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『英文書』Lexus - The Relentless Pursuit, Revised Edition 9780470828045

書城自編碼: 2089667
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Chester
國際書號(ISBN): 9780470828045
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2011-04-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 284/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 998



** 我創建的書架 **

20 Years of Defining Perfection
The author takes us on a breathtaking "genchi-genbutu"
meaning "go and see" as if we are in Toyota City. A must-read for
a car nut.
Shin Sano
CEO, Sano Research
Assistant Research Professor, Illinois Institute of
Technology''s Institute of Design

With his strong focus on the personalities behind the brand,
Chester Dawson has crafted a compelling insider look at Lexus and
its whirlwind history, from the company''s risky beginnings and
earliest setbacks to the current challenges it faces as the number
one luxury car manufacturer in the United States. Lexus: The
Relentless Pursuit is an essential read that I would recommend to
both Lexus enthusiasts and anyone else looking for real insight
into one of the world''s most successful business stories.
Kevin R.E. Watts
Editor, The Lexus Enthusiast

Praise for the Hard Cover Edition

Toyota is the best car company in the world. From a
truck-maker in World War II to a carmaker in the 1950s to a Lexus
maker in the 1980s, it excels everywhere. Chester Dawson is a
Japanese-speaking investigative reporter who has got the inside
story of Lexus and made it come alive.
Ezra F. Vogel
Henry Ford II Research Professor of the Social Sciences,
Harvard University

Chester Dawson brings to life the story of Lexus. This is a
tale of invention, consumer insight, dedication and resolve. Dawson
tells the story with drama, vision and insider detail. He unlocks
the keys to how Toyota took a vague idea and turned it into a
flagship brand and a new automotive icon.
Michael Silverstein
Senior Vice President, The Boston Consulting Group

While Detroit is still trying to figure out how Toyota made
Lexus the best-selling luxury brand in the United States, Chester
Dawson has dissected the Lexus story in an enlightening way. Lexus:
The Relentless Pursuit brings to life the personalities who brought
about an automotive phenomenon. This is a must-read not only for
car buffs, but for any manager or executive who wants to understand
how to create, sustain and expand an elite brand.
Micheline Maynard
Author of The End of Detroit: How the Big Three Lost Their
Grip on the American Car Market
Chester Dawson has worked as a business journalist and editor
at several top media outlets, including BusinessWeek, Dow Jones
Co., The Associated Press and Bloomberg News. He spent 10
years as a foreign correspondent in Tokyo reporting on the Japanese
economy and specializing in the automotive and financial
industries. After serving as International Finance Editor at
BusinessWeek magazine’s headquarters in New York, he entered high
finance—first at a Japanese hedge fund and then, most recently, in
the institutional asset management unit of a Wall Street bank. Mr.
Dawson earned his M.A. in East Asian Studies at Harvard University
and a B.A. in history with an economics minor at Ohio University.
He spent his junior year abroad at Sophia University in Tokyo.
Introduction and Acknowledgements.
Foreword Erwin Lui, Creative Innovation Studio Manager, Calty
Design Research, Inc.
Chapter One The Toyota Way.
Chapater Two Searching for Bobos
Chapter Three Deus Ex Machina
Chapter Four From Tahara to the World!
Chapter Five The Lexus Covenant.
Chapter Six Zen and the Art of Automobile Maintenance.
Chapter Seven Something Wicked This Way Comes.
Chapter Eight Lexus Nation.
Coda Hisao Inoue, Journalist and Author of Toyota Shock
Kodansha: 2009.
Appendix: The Lexus Lineage 1990-2011.



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