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『英文書』The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit, Second Edition 9780470149775

書城自編碼: 2089652
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→计算机 Computers & Inte
作者: Ralph
國際書號(ISBN): 9780470149775
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2008-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 636/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 2506



** 我創建的書架 **

A thorough update to the industry standard for designing,
developing, and deploying data warehouse and business intelligence
The world of data warehousing has changed remarkably since the
first edition of The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit was
published in 1998. In that time, the data warehouse industry has
reached full maturity and acceptance, hardware and software have
made staggering advances, and the techniques promoted in the
premiere edition of this book have been adopted by nearly all data
warehouse vendors and practitioners. In addition, the term
"business intelligence" emerged to reflect the mission of the data
warehouse: wrangling the data out of source systems, cleaning it,
and delivering it to add value to the business.
Ralph Kimball and his colleagues have refined the original set
of Lifecycle methods and techniques based on their consulting and
training experience. The authors understand first-hand that a data
warehousingbusiness intelligence DWBI system needs to change as
fast as its surrounding organization evolves. To that end, they
walk you through the detailed steps of designing, developing, and
deploying a DWBI system. You''ll learn to create adaptable systems
that deliver data and analyses to business users so they can make
better business decisions.
With substantial new and updated content, this second edition of
The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit again sets the standard
in data warehousing for the next decade. It shows you how to:

Identify and prioritize data warehouse opportunities
Create an architecture plan and select products
Design a powerful, flexible, dimensional model
Build a robust ETL system
Develop BI applications to deliver data to business users
Deploy and sustain a healthy DWBI environment
The authors are members of the Kimball Group. Each has focused
on data warehousing and business intelligence consulting and
education for more than 15 years; most have written other books in
the Toolkit series. Learn more about the Kimball Group and Kimball
University at www.kimballgroup.com.
This book is also available as part of the Kimball''s Data
Warehouse Toolkit Classics Box Set ISBN: 9780470479575 with
the following 3 books:

The Data Warehouse Toolkit, 2nd Edition
The Data Warehouse Lifecycle Toolkit, 2nd Edition
The Data Warehouse ETL Toolkit 9780764567575
The authors’ professional careers have followed remarkably
similar paths. Each author has focused on data warehousing and
business intelligence DWBI consulting and education for more
than fifteen years. Most worked together at Metaphor Computer
Systems, a pioneering decision support vendor, in the 1980s. All
the authors are members of the Kimball Group and teach for
KimballUniversity. They contribute regularly to Intelligent
Enterprise magazine and other industry publications; most have
previously written books in the Toolkit series.
Ralph Kimball founded the Kimball Group. Since the mid
1980s, he has been the DWBI industry’s thought leader on the
dimensional approach and trained more than 10,000 IT professionals.
Ralph has his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford
Margy Ross is President of the Kimball Group. She has
focused exclusively on DWBI since 1982 with an emphasis on
business requirements analysis and dimensional modeling. Margy
graduated with a BS in Industrial Engineering from Northwestern
Warren Thornthwaite began his DWBI career in 1980. After
managing Metaphor’s consulting organization, he worked for Stanford
University and WebTV. Warren holds a BAin Communications Studies
from the University of Michigan and anMBA from the University of
Pennsylvania’sWharton School.
JoyMundy has focused onDWBIsystems since 1992 with
stints at Stanford, Web TV, and Microsoft’s SQL Server product
development organization. Joy graduated from Tufts University with
a BA in Economics, and from Stanford University with an MS in
Engineering Economic Systems.
Bob Becker has helped clients across a variety of
industries with their DWBI challenges and solutions since 1989,
including extensive work with health care organizations. Bob has a
BSB in Marketing from the University of Minnesota’s School of
Chapter 1 Introducing the Kimball Lifecycle.
Chapter 2 Launching and Managing the ProjectProgram.
Chapter 3 Collecting the Requirements.
Chapter 4 Introducing the Technical Architecture.
Chapter 5 Creating the Architecture Plan and Selecting
Chapter 6 Introducing Dimensional Modeling.
Chapter 7 Designing the Dimensional Model.
Chapter 8 Designing the Physical Database and Planning for
Chapter 9 Introducing Extract, Transformation, and Load.
Chapter 10 Designing and Developing the ETL System.
Chapter 11 Introducing Business Intelligence Applications.
Chapter 12 Designing and Developing Business Intelligence
Chapter 13 Deploying and Supporting the DWBI System.
Chapter 14 Expanding the DWBI System.



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