內容簡介: |
Whether you?re an HR or OD professional or work in a training
department, learn to apply the principles of follow-through
management within your organization in the new edition of this
bestselling resource. Incorporating new research on learning and
learning transfer, along with new case studies, interviews, and
tools, this edition shares guidelines, proven in practice by many
Fortune 500 companies, on how to design comprehensive learning
experiences in leadership and management, sales, quality,
performance improvement, and professional certification. You?ll
discover the theories and principles underlying the approach, as
well as the practical methods, tools, and roadmaps for bridging the
"knowing-doing" gap.
關於作者: |
Calhoun Wick is the founder and chairman of the Fort Hill
Company. He is recognized nationally as a consultant, educator, and
researcher on improving the performance of managers and
organizations. Roy Pollock serves as chief learning officer for
Fort Hill. Andrew Jefferson is president and CEO of Fort Hill. They
authored the award-winning first edition of The Six Disciplines of
Breakthrough Learning as well as Getting Your Money''s Worth from
Training and Development.
Introduction: The Six Ds.
D1. Define Outcomes in Business Terms.
D2. Design Complete Experience.
D3. Deliver for Application.
D4. Drive Follow-Through.
D5. Deploy Active Support.
D6. Document Results.
The Last Word.
About the Authors.