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『英文書』Beyond Performance: How Great Organizations Build Ultimate Competitive Advantage 9781118024621

書城自編碼: 2089605
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Scott
國際書號(ISBN): 9781118024621
出版社: Wiley
出版日期: 2011-06-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 280/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1502



** 我創建的書架 **

''a robust tool of measurement...thorough and clear'' CPO
The secret of achieving and sustaining organizational
excellence revealed
In an ever-changing world where only a third of excellent
organizations stay that way over the long term, and where even
fewer are able to implement successful change programs, leaders are
in need of big ideas and new tools to thrive. In Beyond
Performance, McKinsey Company''s Scott Keller and Colin Price
give you everything you need to build an organization that can
execute in the short run and has the vitality to prosper over the
long term.
Drawing on the most exhaustive research effort of its kind on
organizational effectiveness and change management, Keller and
Price put hard science behind their big idea: that the health of an
organization is equally as important as its performance. In the
book''s foreword, management guru Gary Hamel refers to this notion
as "a new manifesto for thinking about organizations."
The authors illustrate why copying management best practices
from other companies is more dangerous than helpful
Clearly explains how to determine the mutually reinforcing
combination of management practices that best fits your
organization''s context
Provides practical tools to achieve superior levels of
performance and health through a staged change process: aspire,
assess, architect, act, and advance. Among these are new techniques
for dealing with those aspects of human behavior that are seemingly
irrational and therefore confound even the smartest leaders, yet
entirely predictable
Ultimately, building a healthy organization is an intangible
asset that competitors copy at their peril and that enables you to
skillfully adapt to and shape your environment faster than
others—giving you the ultimate competitive advantage.
Scott Keller is a director in the Southern California office
of McKinsey Company, and leads its transformational change
practice inthe Americas. He has published several articles on
change management and organizational behavior, as well as a book
for colleagues and clients. He holds an MBA and a BS in mechanical
engineering from the University of Notre Dame and has worked as a
manufacturing manager with Procter Gamble and a photovoltaic
engineer for the U.S. Department of Energy. Outside McKinsey, Scott
is a cofounder of Digital Divide Data, an award-winning social
enterprise that utilizes a sustainable IT service model to benefit
some of the world''s most disadvantaged people.
Colin Price is a director in McKinsey''s London office, and
leads its organization practice worldwide. He has advised many of
the world''s largest corporations, several national governments, and
a number of charitable institutions. His booksinclude Mergers with
his colleague David Fubini and Maurizio Zollo of INSEAD, and
Vertical Take-Off with Sir Richard Evans, former chairman of
British Aerospace. He holds degrees in economics, industrial
relations and psychology, and organizational behavior. He is an
associate fellow at Sa?d Business School, University of Oxford, and
a visiting professor at Bath University.
INTRODUCTION Excellence Found?
Only a third of organizations both achieve and sustain
excellence. Why so few? People have been working together for
millennia—you’d think we’d be better at it by now. And what’s the
cost to business and society that we’re not?


CHAPTER 1 The Big Idea: Performance and Health

Performance is about delivering financial results in the here
and now. Health is about the ability to do it year in, year out.
The two are not the same. Some companies have neither; others have
just one. The ultimate competitive advantage lies in having both.
But how?

CHAPTER 2 The Science: Hard Facts behind the Soft

Health is every bit as measurable as performance. The path to
health is just as clear as that to performance. The most exhaustive
research ever undertaken in the field tells us so. Is a change in
management accounting called for?


CHAPTER 3 Aspire: Where Do We Want to Go?

Should we put more emphasis on short-term goals or long-term
vision? Actually, it’s the medium term that matters most. Is there
a recipe for success? In fact, there are four. Discover what a
lottery ticket has to do with deciding which one is right for your

CHAPTER 4 Assess: How Ready Are We to Go There?

You know where you want to go, but does your organization have
the will and the skills to get there?
Finding out isn’t easy, but it is possible. Understand how
through lessons learned from running a four-minute mile and
observing disenfranchised monkeys.

CHAPTER 5 Architect: What Do We Need to Do to Get There? 109 Now
it’s time to plan the journey to achieve your goals.
Working out what to do to improve performance isn’t enough—you
need to decide what not to do as well.
And designing the how just as thoughtfully as the what will be
the key to unlocking better health.

CHAPTER 6 Act: How Do We Manage the Journey?

Staying the course requires flexibility—adjusting as you go.
Understand a tale of two pilots, put in place the right structure,
and measure the right things. You’ll need extraordinary amounts of
energy, so use both military and marketing tactics to drive

CHAPTER 7 Advance: How Do We Keep Moving Forward?

Now what? Keep changing! Once you’ve built the infrastructure
for continuous improvement and the leadership competencies to drive
your organization forward, change will come naturally. Ultimate
competitive advantage is yours.


CHAPTER 8 The Senior Leader’s Role: Does Change Have to Start at
the Top?

The senior leader casts a long shadow. The road to success is
immeasurably easier if they embrace the role that only they can
play. That means making it personal, getting the right team in
place, and applying the right levels of challenge and support.

CHAPTER 9 The Five Frames in Action: How Do You Make a Great
Organization Even Better?

It’s one thing to face the challenge of turning around a
struggling organization. But how do you set about transforming when
life is good? Follow one company as it makes its journey through
the five frames.

CHAPTER 10 Making It Happen: Do You Have What It

Now you’ve got the knowledge, what are you going to do with it?
Start by getting a firm grip on your organization’s performance and
health. Then work through the five frames. If the odds of becoming
and staying excellent are to improve, it starts with you.


Recommended Reading


About the Authors




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