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『英文書』Art Since 1900(9780500238899)

書城自編碼: 2085943
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→艺术 Art
作者: HalFoster
國際書號(ISBN): 9780500238899
出版社: Thames&Hudson
出版日期: 2012-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 816/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 3758



** 我創建的書架 **

The additional years of coverage are essential for studying
the emerging art of today. Recommended readings . . . are current
and excellent.
This is an updated and expanded second edition of the seminal
book first published by Thames Hudson in 2004, featuring 107
new illustrations and over 100 new pages, and completely updated
throughout including all reference sections. It introduces
students to the key theoretical approaches to modern and
contemporary art, enabling them to understand the many voices of
current approaches to the subject. A flexible year-by-year
structure and extensive cross-referencing allows teachers and
students to pursue a chronological approach, andor to study the
currents of art since 1900 by medium, theme, country or region. It
contains more than 120 essays including fifteen new essays, each
focusing on a crucial event in the history of art from 1900 to the
present. The new essays cover subjects such as the De Stijl
movement, the use of mannequins and the automaton in Dada, and
modernist graphic design between the wars, as well as discussions
of the global emergence of Chinese artists in recent years, the
influence of gaming and social network technologies, and the impact
of the market on current art practice. Text boxes provide further
information on key figures and issues. A new final chapter is
devoted to the first decade of the 21st century. Four introductions
set out and explain the different methods of art history at work in
the book. There are two roundtable discussions between the authors
one at mid-century, the other at the close of the book. All
reference material has been updated.
Hal Foster is Townsend Martin Professor of Art and Archaeology
at Princeton University. A co-editor of October magazine and books,
he is the editor of The Anti-Aesthetic, and the author of Design
and Crime, Recording, The Return of the Real, Compulsive Beauty and
The Art-Architecture Complex. David Joselit worked as a
curator at The Institute of Contemporary Art in Boston from 1983 to
1989 where he co-organized several exhibitions including "Dissent:
The Issue of Modern Art in Boston," "Endgame: Reference and
Simulation in Recent Painting and Sculpture," and "The British
Edge." He is currently Associate Professor in the Department of Art
History at the University of California, Irvine. Joselit is the
author of Infinite Regress: Marcel Duchamp 1910-1941, Feedback: Art
and Politics in the Age of Television, and American Art Since
How to use this book
Preface: a reader''s guide
Psychoanalysis in modernism and as method HF
The social history of art: models and concepts BB
Formalism and structuralism YAB
Poststructuralism and deconstructien RK
1900a Sigmund Freud publishes The
Interpretation of Dreams: in Vienna, the rise
of the expressive art of Gustav Klimt, Egon
Schiele, and Oskar Kokeschka coincides
with the emergence of psychoanalysis.
1900b Henri Matisse visits Auguste Rodin
in his Paris studio but rejects the elder artist''s
sculptural style.
1903 Paul Gauguin dies in the Marquesas
Islands in the South Pacific: the recourse to
tribal art and primitivist fantasies in Gauguin
influences the early work of Andre Derain,
Henri Matisse, Pablo Picasso, and Ernst
Ludwig Kirchner.
box The exotic and the naive



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