內容簡介: |
《英语课程与教学论》是 2011年教育部人文社会科学基金项目“外语教育语言学的多维思考”研究成果之一项目编号:
1 Qualities of English Teachers
1.1 The Current State o{ Teacher Education in China since 1980s
1.2 Problems of English Teaching and Research Qualities in
Primary and Secondary Schools
1.3 Problems of Teacher Education in China in Recent Years
1.4 Professional Qualities of an English Teacher
1.5 Strategies for Improving the Primary and Secondary School
Teachers'' Qualities
2 The English Curriculum Standard and the English Teaching
2.1 The English Curriculum Standard
2.2 A Brief Introduction to the History of the English Teaching
in China
3 English Teaching Theories
3.1 Some Views on the Relationships between Teaching Methodology
and English Teachers
3.2 Some Views on the Relationships between English Methodology
and English Teaching
3.3 Some Views on the Relationships between English Teaching
Methodolgy and English Knowledge
3.4 Some Views about the Relationships between English
Methodology and Linguistics
3.5 Views of Modern Structural Linguistics
3.6 The Transformational Generative Linguistics'' View
3.7 Applied Linguistics
3.8 A Central Conflict: Empiricism and Mentalism
3.9 Functional Linguistics
3.10 Views of Socio Linguistics
3.11 English Teaching Methodology and Peda-philosophy
3.12 Educational Linguistics
3.13 Foreign Language Educational LinguisticsFLEL
4 English Teaching Principles
4.1 English Teaching Principles at Primary Schools
4.2 English Teaching Principles at Secondary Schools
4.3 Conclusion
5 Learning Theories
5.1 Some Views on the Relationships between English Teaching
Methodology and Psychology
5.2 Views of Second Language Acquisition Theory
5.3 Ausuhel''s Meaningful Learning Theory
5.4 The Active Learning Theory
5.5 Motivation in Learning English
5.6 Learning Strategies
5 A Brief Introduction of the Foreign Language Teaching Schools in
Foreign Countries
6.1 Introduction
6.2 The Grammar Translation Method
6.3 The Cognitive Approach
6.4 The Direct Method
6.5 The Audio-lingual Approach
6.6 The Audio-visual Method
6.7 The Functional Communicative Approach
6.8 The Natural Approach
6.9 The Total Physical Response--TPR Method
6.l0 The Suggestopedia
6.11 The Silent Way
6.12 The Community Language Learning
6.13 The Task-based Language Learning
6.14 The Immersion
6.15 The PPP Model
7 An introduction of the Teaching Methods in China
7.1 The Three Dimensional Approach of Foreign Language Teaching
7.2 The ASSRF Method
7.3 The Dialectic Aggregative Method
7.4 The Chinese Structure-function Method