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『英文書』After the Wall(ISBN=9781586485597)

書城自編碼: 2065741
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→学习考试
作者: Jana
國際書號(ISBN): 9781586485597
出版社: Perseus
出版日期: 2008-04-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 180/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 748



** 我創建的書架 **

This is the bittersweet memoir of a young East German woman,
searching for her country and herself.Jana Hensel was thirteen on
November 9, 1989, the night the Berlin Wall fell. The moment it
happened, everyone proclaimed it a Great Historical Event. The Cold
War was over! Freedom was at hand! But in all the heady
celebration, no one stopped to think what it would mean for Jana
and her generation of East Germans. These were the kids of the
seventies, who had grown up in the shadow of Communism with all its
strange comforts: the Young Pioneer youth groups, the cheerful
Communist propaganda, and the comforting knowledge that they lived
in a Germany unblemished by an ugly Nazi past and a greedy
Capitalist future. This had been her life.Suddenly it was gone.
East Germany disappeared, swallowed up by the West. And everything
that Jana knew, loved, and respected disappeared with it. Her
country, its politics, history, and culture were wiped clean from
the slate. In its place was the West with its big cars and fancy
clothes, its endless TV channels, and its supermarkets overflowing
with exotic fruits and vegetables she had never dreamed of. Here
was everything her generation had coveted for so long - Coca Cola
and pop CDs, Hollywood movies and magazines. In their desperation
to get with it, Jana and her friends acquired every possible
Western product and mannerism. They changed the way they talked,
the way they walked, what they read, where they went. They moved to
Berlin. They cut off from their parents. They wore Levi''s jeans,
took English lessons, and opened bank accounts.They spent a decade
trying to assimilate. Now they looked right, talked right, and
walked right, but who were they? They were always fighting to catch
up. But where were they going? In "After the Wall", Jana Hensel
tells the story of her generation, a lost generation of East German
kids forced to abandon their past and feel their way through a
foreign landscape to an uncertain future. It is a bittersweet story
of loss and discovery, of growing up fast in a strange world that
your childhood had never imagined.



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