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『英文書』Rumi's Tales from the Silk Road(ISBN=9781601090492)

書城自編碼: 2065649
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→小说 Fiction
作者: Kamla
國際書號(ISBN): 9781601090492
出版社: Perseus
出版日期: 2009-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 176/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1102



** 我創建的書架 **

This title includes thirty thought-provoking tales on
morality, faith, and the human heart from the "Mathnawi" that are
lovingly rewritten for modern readers by Rumi enthusiast Kamla K.
Kapur. Written almost 800 years ago, Rumi''s stories reflect the
blended characteristics of the East and West. The Sufi poet
travelled in a landscape divided between the Persian and Byzantine
empires and his poetry expressed the passions, fables, and faith of
both worlds. Inspired by Rumi, Kamla K. Kapur''s "Pilgrimage to
Paradise" is a reworking of the translations of thirty of his
stories - tales of wit, wisdom, and faith. The basis for Kapur''s
stories is Rumi''s six volume "Mathnawi", an epic Sufi mystical poem
of more that 25,000 verses, as translated from the Persian by
Reynold A. Nicholson. Kapur brings the dense, intimidating volume
into a more readable form - putting her own spin on the stories,
yet remaining true to Rumi''s vision. Charming stories such as "The
Witch of Kabul" and "Moses Learns a Lesson", bring Rumi''s verses to
life as clever fables. "Pilgrimage to Paradise" gives readers one
of Persia''s greatest literary treasures in an accessible form that
will entertain and enlighten. Kamla K. Kapur''s previous book of
short stories based on Indian mythology "Ganesha Goes to Lunch"
Mandala Publishing was published in 2007. Five of Ms. Kapur''s
short stories were published in "Parabola" and an additional two in
their anthology series "The Inner Journey".
As a poet Ms. Kapur has published two books of poetry, the
acclaimed As a Fountain in a Garden Tarang Press, 2005 and Radha
Sings Rolling Drum and Dark Child Press, 1987. Kapur was also a
semi-finalist for the NimrodHardman Pablo Neruda Poetry Prize in
2006, and has subsequently had more poetry appear in the Nimrod
International Journal of Poetry and Prose. Her poetry and short
stories have also appeared in Yellow Silk Berkeley, Journal of
Literature and Aesthetics Kerala, and Our Feet Walk the Sky Aunt
Lute Press. As a playwright Kapur''s full length plays, Hamlet''s
Father, Kepler''s Dreams, and Clytemnestra have appeared on stages
in San Francisco, New York, and San Diego, and she has won two
national playwright awards in India. Currently Ms. Kapur and her
husband divide their time living in a remote valley in the Indian
Himalayas and in Southern California.



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