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『英文書』Leading Change With a New Preface by the(ISBN=9781422186435)

書城自編碼: 2065462
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: John
國際書號(ISBN): 9781422186435
出版社: Perseus
出版日期: 2012-11-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 194/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1404



** 我創建的書架 **

The international bestseller--now with a new preface by author
John Kotter.
Millions worldwide have read and embraced John Kotter''s ideas
on change management and leadership.
From the ill-fated dot-com bubble to unprecedented MA
activity to scandal, greed, and ultimately, recession--we''ve
learned that widespread and difficult change is no longer the
exception. It''s the rule. Now with a new preface, this refreshed
edition of the global bestseller" Leading Change" is more relevant
than ever.
John Kotter''s now-legendary eight-step process for managing
change with positive results has become the foundation for leaders
and organizations across the globe. By outlining the process every
organization must go through to achieve its goals, and by
identifying where and how even top performers derail during the
change process, Kotter provides a practical resource for leaders
and managers charged with making change initiatives work." Leading
Change" is widely recognized as his seminal work and is an
important precursor to his newer ideas on acceleration published in
"Harvard Business Review."
Needed more today than at any time in the past, this bestselling
business book serves as both visionary guide and practical toolkit
on how to approach the difficult yet crucial work of leading
change in any type of organization. Reading this highly personal
book is like spending a day with the world''s foremost expert on
business leadership. You''re sure to walk away inspired--and armed
with the tools you need to inspire others.
Published by Harvard Business Review Press.
John P. Kotter is internationally regarded as the foremost
authority on the topics of leadership and change. His is the
premier voice on how the best organizations achieve successful
Kotter is the Konosuke Matsushita Professor of Leadership,
Emeritus, at Harvard Business School and is cofounder of Kotter
International, a leadership organization that helps Global 5000
company leaders accelerate the implementation of their most
critical strategies and lead change in a complex, fast-moving
business environment.
John Kotter has authored eighteen books, twelve of them
bestsellers. His works have been printed in over 150 foreign
language editions.



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