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『英文書』War for Talent(ISBN=9781578514595)

書城自編碼: 2065335
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: EdMichaels
國際書號(ISBN): 9781578514595
出版社: Perseus
出版日期: 2001-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 200/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1752



** 我創建的書架 **

Talent, as defined by Ed Michaels, Helen Handfield-Jones, and
Beth Axelrod, is shorthand for a key employee who possesses "a
sharp strategic mind, leadership ability, communications skills,
the ability to attract and inspire people, entrepreneurial
instincts, functional skills, and the ability to deliver results."
It''s also, they contend in The War for Talent, an overarching
personnel characteristic that companies of all kinds will require
throughout their organizations in order to surviv
In 1997, a groundbreaking McKinsey study exposed the "war for
talent" as a strategic business challenge and a critical driver of
corporate performance. Then, when the dot-com bubble burst and the
economy cooled, many assumed the war for talent was over. It''s
Now the authors of the original study reveal that, because of
enduring economic and social forces, the war for talent will
persist for the next two decades.
McKinsey Company consultants Ed Michaels, Helen
Handfield-Jones, and Beth Axelrod argue that winning the war for
leadership talent is about much more than frenzied recruiting
tactics. It''s about the timeless principles of attracting,
developing, and retaining highly talented managers-applied in bold
new ways. And it''s about recognizing the strategic importance of
human capital because of the enormous value that better talent
Fortified by five years of in-depth research on how companies
manage leadership talent-including surveys of 13,000 executives at
more than 120 companies and case studies of 27 leading
companies-the authors propose a fundamentally new approach to
talent management.
They describe how to:
* Create a winning EVP employee value proposition that will
make your company uniquely attractive to talent
* Move beyond recruiting hype to build a long-term recruiting
* Use job experiences, coaching, and mentoring to cultivate the
potential in managers
* Strengthen your talent pool by investing in A players,
developing B players, and acting decisively on C players
Central to this approach is a pervasive talent mindset-a deep
conviction shared by leaders throughout the company that
competitive advantage comes from having better talent at all
Using practical examples from companies such as GE, The Home
Depot, PerkinElmer, Amgen, and Enron, the authors outline five
imperatives that every leader-from CEO to unit manager-must act on
to build a stronger talent pool.
Written by recognized authorities on the topic, this is the
definitive strategic guide on how to win the war for talent.
Ed Michaels is a recently retired Director of McKinsey
Company in Atlanta. Helen Handfield-Jones is a Senior Practice
Expert with McKinsey Company in Toronto. Beth Axelrod is a
Principal of McKinsey Company in Stamford, Connecticut.
Preface Acknowledgments About the War for Talent Research
1 The War for Talent
2 Embrace a Talent Mindset
3 Craft a Winning Employee Value Proposition
4 Rebuild Your Recruiting Strategy
5 Weave Development into Your Organization
6 Differentiate and Affirm Your People
7 Get Started--and Expect Huge Impact in a Year
Appendix: The War for Talent Surveys Notes Index About the



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