Not since Richard Feynman has a Nobel Prize-winning physicist
written with as much panache as Robert Laughlin does in this
revelatory and essential book. Laughlin proposes nothing less than
a new way of understanding fundamental laws of science. In this age
of superstring theories and Big-Bang cosmology, we''re used to
thinking of the unknown as being impossibly distant from our
everyday lives. But we haven''t reached the end of science, Laughlin
argues - only the end of reductionist thinking. If we consider the
world of emergent properties instead, suddenly the deepest
mysteries are as close as the nearest ice cube or grain of salt.
And he goes farther: the most fundamental laws of physics - such as
Newton''s laws of motion and quantum mechanics - are in fact
emergent. They are properties of large assemblages of matter, and
when their exactness is examined too closely, it vanishes into
nothing. "A Different Universe" takes us into a universe where the
vacuum of space has to be considered a kind of solid matter, where
sound has quantized particles just like those of light, where there
are many phases of matter, not just three, and where metal
resembles a liquid while superfluid helium is more like a solid. It
is a universe teeming with natural phenomena still to be
discovered. This is a truly mind-altering book that shows readers a
surprising, exquisitely beautiful and mysterious new world.
Robert Laughlin is the Robert M. and Anne Bass Professor of
Physics at Stanford University, where he has taught since 1985. In
1998 he shared the Nobel Prize in Physics for his work on the
fractional quantum Hall effect. He lives in California.