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『英文書』American Politics And Society 7E(ISBN=9781405188425)

書城自編碼: 2065152
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: David
國際書號(ISBN): 9781405188425
出版社: Egmont
出版日期: 2009-04-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 512/
書度/開本: 大16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 3100



** 我創建的書架 **

A fresh and updated look at the social background to
American political and economic life, the institutions and
processes of government, and the most recent and dramatic events in
the political arena. Fully updated to take into account the many
political changes of the past four yearsand includes new chapters
on environmental politics and the presidency
Includes commentary of the 2008 presidential election, with the
historic election of Barack Obama, and issues such as the changing
balance of support for the Democrats and Republicans and the recent
decline in the global reputation of the United States
Student friendly style and design, with illustrations
Uses common examples across chapters
Includes a range of pedagogical features, including definition
boxes, biographies, chronologies, and more controversies than
David McKay is Professor of Government at the University of
Essex. He is the author of numerous books and articles on American
and comparative politics, including Designing Europe: Comparative
Lessons from the Federal Experience 2001, winner of the Political
Studies Association WJM MacKenzie prize for the best book published
in 2001. He is the co-author of The New British Politics
List of Plates.
List of Figures.
List of Tables.
Preface to the Seventh Edition.
1 Government and the People in a Polarized Society.
The Chapters to Come.
2 Beliefs, Values and American Society.
The Nature of American Beliefs and Values.
Values and American Society.
Social Structure.
3 Constitutional Government.
The American Constitution.
The Adaptive Constitution.
Assessing the Constitution.
4 Federalism and Intergovernmental Relations.
Federalism in Theory and Practice.
The Evolution of American Federalism.
The Changing Federal Role.
A Changing Court Role?
The Future of American Federalism.
5 American Political Parties in Transition.
The Functions of Parties.
Crisis and Change in the American Party System.
The Decline and Rise of Political Parties.
Changing Party Ideology: 1970–2010.
Explaining Party Change.
Political Parties Redux.
6 Elections and Political Participation.
Patterns of American Electoral Behaviour.
The ‘American Voter’ Model and the New Deal Coalition.
The Decline of the New Deal Coalition and the Rise of a Divided
Non-Electoral Political Participation.
7 The Media and American Politics.
Media Structure and Organization.
Organization and Ownership.
How Biased? The Media and the Political Agenda.
Controlling the Media.
The Media and American Democracy.
8 Congress I: The People’s Branch?
Representation and Congress.
Congressional Elections.
Legislators as Rational Actors.
The Work of Member of Congress.
9 Congress II: Functions and Powers – The Broken Branch?
The Functions of Congress.
The Structure of Power in Congress.
Congress Under Fire.
Reform and Change in Congress.
Is Congress the Broken ‘Branch’?
10 The Presidency I: Powers and Selection.
Formal Sources of Power.
Informal Powers.
Presidential Selection.
Presidential Selection: Faults and Foibles.
11 The Presidency II: The President as Chief Executive.
The Presidency in a Changing America.
Presidential Abuse of Power and the Congressional Response.
Presidential Resources.
Assessing the Presidency: Presidential Power at Home and
12 Bureaucratic Power: Federal Departments and Agencies.
The Federal Bureaucracy: Organization and Function.
The Bureaucracy: How Uncontrollable?
The Inherent Power of Bureaucracy.
The Bureaucratic Hydra: A Uniquely American Phenomenon?
Reform Attempts.
Concluding Remarks.
13 The Security State.
The Rise of the Security State.
911, the Patriot Act, and the Department of Homeland
Threats to Civil Liberties.
The Security State and American Values.
14 Organized Interests: The Real Power?
Interests, Groups and Lobbyists.
Economic Groups.
Professional Groups.
Promotional Groups.
Political Action Committees.
The Washington Lobby.
Interest Groups: For and Against.
15 The Supreme Court and Judicial Politics.
The American Legal System.
The Supreme Court: Decision-Making.
The Supreme Court and Political Power.
The Polarized and Activist Rehnquist and Roberts Courts.
Conclusions: The Court and American Democracy.
16 Regulating Morality: Civil Rights, Liberties and the Conscience
Regulating Public Morality.
Civil Liberties.
Equality and Civil Rights.
17 Social Policy in America: Self-Reliance and State
The Federal Government and Social Welfare in America: The Reluctant
Social Security, Medicare and the Electoral Connection.
The Continuing Importance of Self-Reliance.
Health-Care Reforms.
The Federal Government and Education.
18 Managing Economic Change.
State and Economy in the United States.
Ideology and Economic Policy.
Institutions and Economic Policy.
Conclusions: Economic Policy in an Age of Uncertainty.
19 Environmental Politics.
The Emerging Environmental Agenda.
Policy Actors and Institutions.
Political Parties and the Environment.
Conclusions: The Future of Environmental Politics.
20 The American World Role.
The Institutional Context.
American Foreign Policy in the Post-911 World.
Conclusions: Bound to Lead or Bound to Fail?
21 The American Political System in an Uncertain World.
Assessing the American Polity.
Reform and Renewal.
Appendix: The Constitution of the United States.



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