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『英文書』Understanding Aircraft Structures 4E(ISBN=9781405120326)

書城自編碼: 2065136
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→科学与技术 Science & Tech
作者: Cutler
國際書號(ISBN): 9781405120326
出版社: Egmont
出版日期: 2006-02-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 213/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 3509



** 我創建的書架 **

This book explains aircraft structures so as to provide a
basic understanding of the subject and the terminology used, as
well as illustrating some of the problems.
It provides a brief historical background, and covers parts of
the aeroplane, loads, structural form, materials, processes, detail
design, quality control, stressing, and the documentation
associated with modification and repairs.
The Fourth Edition takes account of new materials and the new
European regulatory system.
John Cutler is a consulting engineer, a Fellow of the Royal
Aeronautical Society and a Chartered Engineer.
Jeremy Liber, who has been responsible for revising the Fourth
Edition, has worked in the fixed and rotary wing aircraft industry
for a number of years as a stressman, structural test engineer and
design engineer. He has degrees in both engineering and business
plus a pilot’s licence. He is a Member of the Royal Aeronautical
Society and is currently Technical Director at Britten-Norman
Aircraft Ltd.
Chapter 1 Introduction;.
Chapter 2 History; 2.1 Outline; 2.2 Wire-braced structures; 2.3
Semi-monocoque structures; 2.4 Sandwich structures; 2.5 Review of
the key points.
Chapter 3 Parts of the Aircraft; 3.1 Terms connected with flight;
3.2 Terms connected with control; 3.3 Terms connected with
high-lift devices; 3.4 Terms associated with the shape and
dimensions of the aircraft; 3.5 Review of the key points.
Chapter 4 Loads on the Aircraft; 4.1 General flight forces; 4.2
Acceleration loads 4.3 Further aerodynamic loads; 4.4 Other loads;
4.5 Further load factors; 4.6 Loads acting on the whole aircraft;
4.7 Review of the key points; 4.8 References.
Chapter 5 The form of structures; 5.1 Structure relative to
aircraft design; 5.2 Historic form of structure; 5.3 General form
of structure; 5.4 The basic load systems in structures; 5.5 The
forms of stress in materials; 5.6 Bending and torsion; 5.7
Compression; 5.8 The whole structure; 5.9 Review of the key points;
5.10 References.
Chapter 6 Materials; 6.1 Choice of materials; 6.2 Material
properties; 6.3 Smart structures and materials; 6.4 Cost as a
property of a material; 6.5 Heat treatment; 6.6 Reference numbers
for materials; 6.7 Review of the key points; 6.8 References.
Chapter 7 Processes; 7.1 Introduction; 7.2 Manufacturing;7.3
Jointing; 7.4 Review of the key points; 7.5 References.
Chapter 8 Corrosion and protective treatments; 8.1 Nature of
corrosion; 8.2 Causes of corrosion; 8.3 Protection against
corrosion; 8.4 Review of the key points; 8.5 References.
Chapter 9 Detail design; 9.1 Sheet-metal components; 9.2 Machined
components and large forgings; 9.3 Notching and stress raisers; 9.4
Rivets and bolts; 9.5 Joggling; 9.6 Clips or cleats; 9.7
Stringerframe intersections; 9.8 Lugs; 9.9 The ‘stiff path’; 9.10
Review of the key points.
Chapter 10 Composite materials in aircraft structures; 10.1 What
are composites?; 10.2 The strength of composite materials; 10.3
Types of structures; 10.4 Joining composites; 10.5 Fibres; 10.6
Resins; 10.7 Working safely with composites; 10.8 Review of the key
Chapter 11 Quality and airworthiness; 11.1 Quality assurance; 11.2
Control; 11.3 Procedures and systems; 11.4 Further notes on quality
control functions; 11.5 Airworthiness engineering; 11.6 Maintenance
schedule; 11.7 References; 11.8 Review of the key points.
Chapter 12 Stressing; 12.1 Introduction; 12.2 The stressman’s work;
12.3 Stressing methods; 12.4 Stress reports; 12.5 Review of the key
points; 12.6 References.
Chapter 13 Presentation of modifications and repairs; 13.1
Definitions; 13.2 The essential paperwork associated with
modifications; 13.3 Review of the key points; 13.4 Conclusion; 13.5



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