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書城自編碼: 2058693
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: 陶尚芸
國際書號(ISBN): 9787514128444
出版社: 经济科学出版社
出版日期: 2013-05-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 245/230000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 326



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前言 indd 2 2013-4-7 9:52:
Chapter 1 Ancient Greece: The Open-source of the Western History
and Culture
第一章 古希腊——西方历史与文化的开源
1. Ancient Greece:A history both of wars and of civilization
2. The civilization marks pioneering in the western culture
Chapter 2 Ancient Rome: Latin Native Culture with Greek Color
第二章 古罗马——希腊色彩染成的拉丁人乡土文化
1. Ancient Rome:The brief history from the founding myth to each
historical stage 古罗马:从神话起源到各个历史阶段的简史
2. Architecture wonders in the background of Latin Native Culture
Chapter 3 Ancient Egypt: The Unique Nile Civilization
第三章 古埃及——奇特的尼罗河文明
1. Ancient Egypt:The process of historical culture, and the
inheritance of living culture 古埃及:历史文化的进程,生活文化的传承
2. Great contribution to the civilization in many
Chapter 4 Babylon: The Sleeping Civilization under the Dust
第四章 巴比伦——沙尘掩盖下的沉睡文明
1. Babylon:The great history and construction of the short lived
Empire 巴比伦:短命帝国的伟大历史和宏大工程
2. Legendary traces of civilization on the mound and mud-bricks
Chapter 5 Ancient India: The Urban Culture of the Bronze Age
第五章 古印度——青铜时代的城市文化
1. Ancient India:The legendary dynastic changes and civilization
process 古印度:传奇式的朝代更替与文明进程
2. The contribution to the human civilizations made by the melting
pot of Indian cultures 印度文化大熔炉对人类文明的贡献
Chapter 6 Olmec: The Oldest American Civilization
第六章 奥尔梅克——最古老的美洲文明
1. Olmec:The history and culture of the first major civilization in
Mexico 奥尔梅克:墨西哥地区
2. Ancient America''s most striking civilization
Chapter 7 Inca: The Civilization of No Written Language
第七章 印加——没有书面语言的文明
1. Inca:The brief history and culture of the old empire in America
2. The culture is through word of mouth and the historical sites
are on the land 口口相传的是文化,落地成埃的是古迹
Chapter 8 Maya: A Bright Wonder in the History of World Culture
第八章 玛雅——世界文明史上的璀璨奇葩
1. Maya:The historical periods and unique
2. A variety of ancient cities, and rich and colorful
Chapter 9 Aztec: The Last Character in Mexican Culture Stage
第九章 阿兹特克——墨西哥文化舞台上的最后角色
1. Aztec:The ups and downs in the Valley of Mexico and its
civilizing process 阿兹特克:墨西哥谷地的起起落落与文明历程
2. The final gift on the stage of ancient Mexican
Chapter 10 Pompeii: A Song of Life after the Outright
第十章 庞贝古城——灭顶之灾后的生命赞歌
1. Pompeii:The past prosperous time and the magical landscapes of
appearance and disappearance 庞贝:曾经的繁荣时光与或现或灭的神奇景观
2. Wonderful cultural relics of Pompeii 庞贝的文化遗迹奇观
Chapter 11 Angkor: The Thousand-year Mystery in the Heaven Hidden
in the Jungle
第十一章 吴哥——徘徊在丛林天堂的千年奥秘
1. Angkor:The historical stories and the people''s life of the magic
civilization 吴哥:神奇文明的历史故事与人民生活
2. The vanished civilization and its outstanding
Chapter 12 Persepolis: The Persian Civilization through the Palace
Fire and Desert Miracle
第十二章 波斯波利斯——穿越宫廷之火与沙漠奇迹的波斯文明
1. Persepolis:The ups and downs of the historic
2. CivilizationMarks of architectural art and historical festivals
Chapter 13 Pagan: The Mysterious City of Towers
第十三章 蒲甘——神秘的万塔之城
1. Pagan:The long history of the 4-million-Pagoda
2. The glorious Buddhist civilization and the rich civilian culture
Chapter 14 Loulan Kingdom: The Beautiful and Ethereal Dream on the
Silk Road
第十四章 楼兰古国——丝绸之路上的缥缈旖梦
1. Kroraina:Historicalchanges and people''s fate of the prosperous
state 楼兰:繁华古城的历史变迁与人民命运
2. Legendary relics of the“Oriental Pompeii”“东方庞贝城”的传奇遗迹
第一章 古希腊——西方历史与文化的开源
century AD, or for about 1,300 years.
Classical Antiquity in Greece is preceded by the Greek Dark Ages
c. 1100–c. 750 BC, archaeologically characterised by the
protogeometric and geometric style of designs on pottery, succeeded
by the Orientalizing Period, a strong influence of Assyrian,
Phoenician and Egyptian cultures.
Traditionally, the Archaic period of ancient Greece is taken in
the wake of this strong Orientalizing influence during the 8th
century BC, which among other things brought the alphabetic script
to Greece, marking the beginning of Greek literature. The Archaic
period gives way to the Classical period around 500 BC, in turn
succeeded by the Hellenistic period at the death of Alexander the
Great in 323 BC.
The history of Greece during Classical Antiquity may thus be
subdivided into the following periods:
The Archaic period c. 750 – c. 500 BC follows, in which artists
made larger free-standing sculptures in stiff, hieratic poses with
the dreamlike ""archaic smile"".
The Classical period c. 500–c. 323 BC is characterised by a
style which was considered by later observers to be exemplary—for
instance the famous Parthenon. Politically, the Classical Period
was dominated by Athens and the Delian League during the 5th
century BC, displaced by Spartan hegemony during the early 4th
century BC, before power shifted to Thebes and the Boeotian League
and finally to the League of Corinth led by Macedon.
The Hellenistic period 323–146 BC is when Greek culture and
power expanded into the Near and Middle East. This period begins
with the death of Alexander and ends with the Roman conquest.
Roman Greece, the period between Roman victory over the
Corinthians at the Battle of Corinth in 146 BC and the
establishment of Byzantium by Constantine as the capital of the
Roman Empire in 330 AD.
The final phase of Antiquity is the period of Christianization
the later 4th to early 6th centuries, taken to be complete with
the closure of the Neoplatonic Academy by Justinian I in 529
第一章 古希腊——西方历史与文化的开源
Greco-Persian Wars:Darius and his son fought in vain
The Greco-Persian Wars were a series of conflicts between
Achaemenid Empire of Persia and city-states of the Hellenic world
started in 499 BC and lasted until 449 BC. The collision between
the fractious
political world of the Greeks and the enormous empire of the
began when Cyrus the Great conquered Ionia in 547 BC. Struggling
to rule the independent-minded cities of Ionia, the Persians
appointed tyrants to rule each of them.
In 499 BC, the tyrant of Miletus, Aristagoras, embarked on an
expedition to conquer the island of Naxos, with Persian support;
however, the expedition was a debacle and, pre-empting his
dismissal, Aristagoras incited all of Hellenic Asia Minor into
rebellion against the Persians. This was the beginning of the
Ionian Revolt, progressively drawing more regions of Asia Minor
into the conflict. Aristagoras secured military support from Athens
and Eretria, and in 498 BC these forces helped to capture and burn
the Persian regional capital of Sardis. The Persian king Darius the
Great vowed to have revenge on Athens and Eretria for this act. The
revolt continued, with the two sides effectively stalemated
throughout 497–495 BC. In 494 BC, the Persians regrouped, and
attacked the epicentre of the revolt in Miletus. At the Battle of
Lade, the rebellion collapsed, with the final members being stamped
out the following year.
Seeking to secure his empire from further revolts and from the
interference of the mainland Greeks, Darius embarked on a scheme to
conquer Greece and to punish Athens and Eretria for burning Sardis.
The first Persian invasion of Greece began in 492 BC, with the
Persian general Mardonius conquering Thrace and Macedon before
several mishaps forced an early end to the campaign. In 490 BC a
second force was sent to Greece, this time across the Aegean Sea,
under the command of
Datis and Artaphernes. This expedition subjugated the Cyclades,
before besieging, capturing and razing Eretria. However, while on
route to attack Athens, the Persian force was decisively defeated
by the Athenians at the Battle of Marathon, ending Persian efforts
for the time being. Darius died in 486 BC and responsibility for
the conquest passed to his son Xerxes I. In 480 BC, Xerxes
personally led the second Persian invasion of Greece with one of
the largest ancient armies ever assembled. Victory over the
‘Allied’Greek states led by Sparta and Athens at the Battle of
Thermopylae allowed the Persians to overrun most of Greece.
However, while seeking to destroy the combined Greek fleet, the
Persians suffered a severe defeat at the Battle of Salamis. The
following year, the confederated Greeks went on the offensive,
defeating the Persian army at the Battle of Plataea, and ending the
invasion of Greece.
The allied Greeks followed up their success by destroying the
rest of the Persian fleet at the Battle of Mycale, before expelling
Persian garrisons from Sestos 479 BC and Byzantium 478 BC. The
actions of the general Pausanias at the siege of Byzantium
alienated many of the Greek states from the Spartans, and the
anti-Persian alliance was therefore reconstituted around Athenian
leadership, as the so-called Delian League. The Delian League
continued to campaign against Persia for the next three decades,
beginning with the expulsion of the remaining Persian garrisons
from Europe. At the Battle of the Eurymedon in 466 BC, the League
won a double victory that finally secured freedom for the cities of
Ionia. However, the League’s involvement in an Egyptian revolt 460
BC–454 BC resulted in a disastrous defeat, and further campaigning
was suspended. A fleet was sent to Cyprus in 451 BC, but achieved
little, and when it withdrew the Greco-Persian Wars drew to a quiet
第一章 古希腊——西方历史与文化的开源



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