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『英文書』Younger Next Year C

書城自編碼: 2052305
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→健康与心理 Health, Mind &
作者: Christopher
國際書號(ISBN): 9780316731508
出版社: Hachette
出版日期: 2005-12-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 274/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1096



** 我創建的書架 **

Younger Next Year is for men who want to turn back their
biological clocks. It explains how men can become functionally
younger every year for years to come, and continue to live with
vitality and grace into their eighties and beyond. Harry''s Seven
Rules - Harry being Henry S. Lodge, M.D. - can help to reverse the
typical path of ageing. Exercise six days a week for the rest of
your life. Quit eating crap. Connect and commit. And to prove it
works is his star patient, the no-punches-pulled Chris Crowley, a
seventy-year-old who left the slippery slope of retirement and
turned his life around. Harry tells you what to do. Chris shows you
how. And their argument is irresistible. Marrying science and
reality, Younger Next Year is a convincing and passionate argument
that if you train for the Next Third of your life, you''ll have a
ball. Follow its simple rules and you''ll find yourself in the best
shape - in mind, body and spirit - of your life.
Chris Crowley is a former lawyer who retired in 1990. Henry S.
Lodge runs a practice in Manhattan. Both authors live in New York.
Henry Lodge
Part One: Take Charge of Your Body
Chapter 1: The End of the World
Chapter 2: How’s Your Wife
Chapter 3: The New Science of Aging
Chapter 4: Swimming Against the Tide
Chapter 5: The Biology of Growth and Decay: Things That Go Bump in
the Night
Chapter 6: Life is an Endurance Event: Train for It
Chapter 7: The Biology of Exercise
Chapter 8: The Heart of the Matter: Aerobics
Chapter 9: The Kedging Trick
Chapter 10: A World of Pain: Strength Training
Chapter 11: The Biology of Strength Training
Chapter 12: The Ugly Stick and Other Curiosities
Chapter 13: Chasing the Iron Bunny
Chapter 14: Don’t You Lose a Goddamn Pound!
Chapter 15: The Biology of Nutrition: Thinner Next Year
Chapter 16: “The Drink”
Part Two: Take Charge of Your Life
Chapter 17: “Teddy Doesn’t Care!”
Chapter 18: The Limbic Brain and the Biology of Emotion
Chapter 19: Connect and Commit
Chapter 20: Things That Go Bump in the Morning: The New Sexual
Chapter 21: Relentless Optimism



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