內容簡介: |
Schuyler''s hunt for the Gates is becoming more intense as the
vampire world is beginning to show cracks. The New York Coven''s
ancient lore and the desires of young vampires keep coming into
dangerous conflict that could have repercussions worldwide. The
course of forbidden love never did run smooth...
關於作者: |
Melissa de la Cruz is the author of many best-selling novels,
including the Blue Bloods series; the Au Pairs series; the Ashleys
series; and Angels on Sunset Boulevard. She is also a frequent
contributor to Glamour, Marie Claire, Teen Vogue, and Cosmopolitan.
She lives in Los Angeles with her husband and daughter, and is hard
at work on the next book in the Blue Bloods saga. While Melissa is
not a Blue Blood, she knows people who are...
www.bluebloodsbooks.com www.melissa-delacruz.com