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『英文書』Notes on the Need for Beauty

書城自編碼: 2051544
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: J.Ruth
國際書號(ISBN): 9781569242926
出版社: Perseus
出版日期: 2007-04-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 240/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 800



** 我創建的書架 **

The introduction of this book reads, "Beauty, like every other
quality — courage, fear, ugliness, trust, truth, wisdom — is a part
of us and apart from us, inside us and outside us, personal and
impersonal. Beauty invites us to build bridges and make connections
between the senses and the soul, between contemplation and
expression, between ourselves and the world." In this wide-ranging
and deeply felt book, artist and writer J. Ruth Gendler invites us
to reclaim and celebrate the often misunderstood quality of beauty
as one of the most profound and essential forces in our lives.
Drawing upon observations from art and mythology, science and
nature, contemporary culture and personal experience, the author
looks at her subject in its most generous implications — not simply
as a reflection of surface and image, but as a pathway to
wholeness, integrity, coherence, and ultimately, to love. Written
with curiosity, courage, a discerning eye and a lyrical
sensibility, and illustrated with evocative line drawings by the
author, Notes on the Need for Beauty displays the strong personal
voice that has made her previous book, The Book of Qualities so
beloved. It is a work to savor and to share.
J. Ruth Gendler is an artist, writer, and teacher. She is the
author of The Book of Qualities and the editor of
Changing Light: The Eternal Cycle of Night and Day. The
Book of Qualities, now in its thirty-fifth printing, has been
adapted as a two-act theater piece and translated into German,
Japanese, and Chinese, as well as being widely excerpted in
literary, psychological and educational publications. In addition
to personal essays and poems, Gendler writes about the arts,
education, health, and books. Her artwork has been exhibited
Gendler has taught writing and art in a variety of settings for
twenty years. She has been an artist in residence with both
California Poets in the Schools and Young Audiences of the Bay Area
and leads writing and creativity workshops nationally. She received
her B.A. in English and Communications from Stanford University,
and she now resides in Berkeley, California.



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