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書城自編碼: 2047828
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語中小学英语课外学习
作者: [澳]澳大利亚维多利亚教育部
國際書號(ISBN): 9787201079950
出版社: 天津人民出版社
出版日期: 2013-03-01
版次: 1
頁數/字數: 全6册/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 1004



** 我創建的書架 **

This set of readers comprises stories, poems and essays selected
to inculcate knowledge and moral principles. It was authorized by
the Ministry of Victorian Education and provided to school-children
in state and most independent schools across Australia during the
first half of the twentieth century, when state-based school
readers were produced. Many Australians recall school readers with
nostalgia and affection, since they provided children with reading
material when few families had access to a wide range of fiction
and non-fiction.
The Readers were not simply read by children; they were used as
literacy materials. This means that children listened to them and
read them, silently and aloud, many times over; some texts were
committed to memory; and children were drilled in and tested for
their capacity to read and understand the content of the
The aim of the committee established to select material was to
choose items such as possessed literary merit, were informative,
were likely to arouse interest, and were suitable as regards the
average standard of attainment of the grade or forms for which the
book was intended.
1 Spring Song
2 The Cobbler And The Elves
3 The Naughty Boy
4 Poly’s Garden
5 Walking To School
6 Mates
7 A Boys Song
8 What The Moon Told
9 The Wonderful World
10 The Discontented Cat
11 The Land Of Story-Books
12 The Three Wishes
13 The Owl And The Pussy-Cat
14 Brier Rose
15 The Clouds
16 The Town Ban d
17 The Joly Welshmen
18 The Letter That Flew Away
19 The Fairies
20 The Crane And The Crow
21 The Rainbow Fairies
22 The Rabbit And The Coconut
23 The Butterfly
24 The Pussy Willows
25 Who Stole The Bird’s Nest ?
26 What Bright-Eyes Wanted
27 Jack Frost
28 The Blind Men And The Elephant
29 Miss Brown Bulb And The Sparrow
30 Boats Sail On The Rivers
31 How Dumb Animals Talk
32 The Fairies Of Caldon Low
33 The Golden Bird In The King ’s Garden
34 The Fairy Man
35 The Fairy Folk
36 The Golden Egg
37 The Swing
38 Rags And Tatters
39 Little Boy Blue
40 The Spider Orchid
41 What The Sea-Shel Said
42 Minnie And Winnie
43 Dot And The Kangroo
44 Santa Claus
45 The Faithful Worker
46 Evening Song
47 The Little Mother
48 Cradle Song
1 The Fairy’s House
2 Cinderella
3 The Room With The Walls Of Glass
4 Hist!
5 The Lad Who Went To The North Wind
6 Stone Soup
7 My Shadow
8 The Hou se That Kak Built
9 The Modest Violet
10 Yoshi San And O Kiku
11 Taro And The Turtle
12 Where The Cabbages Grow
13 The Good Little Goblin
14 The Pediar’s Caravan
15 Tom And The Lobster
16 What The Birds Say
17 The Origin Of The Spider
18 The Cunning Little Jack als
19 Talking In Their Sleep
20 Mr. And Mrs. Platypus And Family
21 Five Eyes
22 From The Siding
23 The Judge And The Poor Man
24 The Stone In The Road
25 Two Little Plays
26 Cornelia’s Jewels
27 An Australian Cradle Song
28 The Australian Black s
29 The Magpie And The Children
30 Kookaburra
31 How Mussels Were Brought
To The Creeks
32 Why The Crow Is Black
33 The Lost Tribes
34 How The Sun Was Made
35 The Lyre-Birds’ Concert
36 The Gift Of Song
37 A New Year’S Day Adventure
In Australia
38 The Bush
39 Lost In The Bush
40 Where The Wattle Blooms
41 A Brave Australian Girl
42 Over The Range.
43 Simpson And His Donkey
44 What Can A Little Chap Do?
45 The Story Of General Gordon
46 Columbus And His Great Discovery
47 The Wreck Of The “Hesperus”
48 The Bullock Dray
49 Black Diamond
50 Riddle-Me-Ree
51 Modereen Rue
52 The Seasons
53 A Bird’s Devotion
54 Australia Fair
1 Pioneers
2 An Adventure With The Blacks
3 Wood
4 At The Flooded Creek
5 The Ballad Of The Drover
6 The Drover’s Wife
7 The Witch’s Song
8 An Adventure With A Snake
9 Old Granny Sullivan
10 Penn And The Kindergarten
11 The Fire At Ross’s Farm
12 The King Of The Winds
14 The Race For The Silyer Skates
15 Walking Out
16 The Champion
17 The Jumblies
18 The Youngster
19 Magic
20 The Little Pagan Faun
21 The Plaint Of The Camel
22 A Rescue
23 Romance
24 Giotto, The Shepherd Boy
25 Tubal Cain
26 The Burning Of The Rice-Field
27 William Tell
28 King Kaid Of India
29 Rain
30 The Hero Of The Flooded Mine
31 The Miller Of The Dee
32 The Dragon-Fly
33 The Inchcape Rock
34 The Children Who Saved Hamburg
35 Allen-A-Dale
36 The Boer And His Horse
37 Bruce And The Spider
38 The Lawyer And The Oyster
39 Robinson Crusoe And Man Friday
40 The Wind In A Frolic
41 How Aunt Letty Killed The Panther
42 The Brook
43 An Adventure With Wolves
44 Hiawatha’s Childhood
45 Uncle Jim’s Queer Story
46 Wheat
47 The Blackbird: A Legend
48 The Enchanted Shirt
49 Pincher
50 My Heart’s In The Highlands
51 Learning To Ride
52 A Speckled Thrush
53 The Wee Fell Yin
54 Sea-Hunger
55 Echo And Narcissus
56 The Daylight Is Dying
57 Heidi On The Mountain
58 The West Wind
59 Silver
60 How The Crickets Brought Good
61 David Visits His Aunt
62 The Night Wind
63 The Australian
64 An Australian Anthem

Lesson 2
The Cobler And The Elves
Long, long ago, there lived in a small town a cobbler and his
wife. The cobbler was an honest man, and he worked very hard. Both
he and his wife were always kind to those who were in want.
But work became very scarce. Through no fault of his own, the
cobbler grew poorer and poorer. At last, he had only enough leather
left to make one pair of shoes.
He cut out the shoes in the evening, and meant to make them up
next day. Then he went to bed, and was soon fast asleep.
In the morning, he rose early, and went to his bench.
What was his surprise to find that the shoes were already
He could not tell what to make of it. Taking the shoes in his
hand, he looked at them very closely, but could find not a single
bad stitch.
He called his wife, and showed them to her. She was as much taken
aback as he was, and at as great a loss to know who had made
That very morning, a man came in to buy shoes. He was so pleased
with those the cobbler showed him that he bought them for a good
The cobbler was now able to buy leather for two pairs of shoes.
Again he cut them out in the evening, meaning to rise early the
next morning to finish them.
But he had no need, for in the morning stood on the bench two
pairs of shoes, ready to be worn.
These, too, were soon sold, and the cobbler bought leather for
four pairs. Having cut these out, he laid them ready as before.
When he came down in the morning, he once more found them
And so it went on. He had only to buy the leather and cut out the
shoes, to find them waiting for him in the morning. So good was his
trade that the man soon became rich.
One evening, just before Christmas, the cobbler said to his wife:
"My dear, I should like to find out who the good people are that
help us. Let us sit up to-night and watch." His wife agreed, and
they hid themselves in a corner of the workshop.
Just at midnight, two little elves came running into the room.
Sitting down upon the cobbler''s bench, they took up the work that
was cut out, and began to stitch, and sew, and hammer.
They worked so well and so fast that, in a short time, all the
shoes were done. Then the elves jumped off the bench, and ran
Next morning, the woman said: "The good little fairies have been
very kind to us, and have made us rich. I should like to thank them
in some way."
"But what can we do?" asked the cobbler. "They must often be cold
at night," said his wife. "I shall make them some warm clothes, and
you can sew them some little shoes."
This plan pleased the cobbler very much, so he and his wife set
to work at once. You may be sure they took great pains to make the
shoes and the clothes as nice as could be.
At last, every-thing was ready, and one night the good man and
his wife laid the clothes on the bench. Then they hid, to see what
the elves would do.
At midnight, they came running in, and jumped on the bench, ready
to begin work. But there was no leather to be seen, only the pretty
little clothes.
At these they looked, first with surprise, and then with delight.
Seeing the clothes were meant for them, they put them on, and
danced for joy. At last they danced out of the room, and never came
back any more.
But everything went well with the good cobbler and his wife. So
long as they lived, they were never again in want.
-The Brothers Grimm.
Authors.-The Brothers Grimm, Jacob and William, were two learned
Germans who collected old stories from the peasants, and published
a book that has been translated into many languages. What child
does not know Grimm''s Fairy Tales!
General Notes.-What is a cobbler? Why are there not many cobblers
now? The fairies were elves: what other kinds of fairies have you
heard about? Why were the elves kind to the cobbler? Why was the
cobbler kind to the elves? What does this story teach us?



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