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『英文書』Hidden Value

書城自編碼: 2046839
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Charles
國際書號(ISBN): 9780875848983
出版日期: 2000-08-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 286/
書度/開本: 32开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1653



** 我創建的書架 **

Discover How the Best Companies Win Not By Acquiring the Right
People?But By Building the Right Organization.
The "war for talent" is one battle every company believes it
should be waging. But while competitors are busy chasing after the
same "hot" individuals, smart companies are doing something
infinitely more useful and far more difficult to copy?they''re
building organizations that make it possible for ordinary people at
every desk and cubicle in their companies to perform as if they
were stars.
Blowing up the prevailing wisdom that companies must chase and
acquire top talent in order to remain successful, Hidden Value
argues instead that the source of sustained competitive advantage
already exists within every organization. O''Reilly and Pfeffer,
leading experts on organizational behavior and human resources,
argue that how a firm creates and uses talent is far more important
than how the firm attracts talent. The authors provide vivid,
detailed case studies of several organizations in widely disparate
industries?including Southwest Airlines, Cisco Systems, The Men''s
Wearhouse, and NUMMI?to illustrate how long-term success comes from
value-driven, interrelated systems that align good people
management with corporate strategy.
In a refreshing break from management tomes that force-feed
superficial frameworks and trite "rules," the authors instead allow
the company stories to take center stage. They guide readers in
discovering for themselves how seven different firms maximize
talent, why one firm hasn''t fully released the hidden value in its
work force, and, most importantly, how the winning companies have
made it tough for competitors to imitate them. Collectively, the
stories reveal a common path to success that places values before
strategy, emphasizes implementation over planning, and focuses on
getting the best out of all employees, not just individual stars.
The authors also explore concerns or questions managers might have
about how each company''s experience parallels or conflicts with
their own.
Providing a rare opportunity for managers to actively participate
in an invaluable learning process, Hidden Value offers a
customizable template for building high-performance,
people-centered organizations.
Charles A. O''Reilly III is the Frank E. Buck Professor of
Human Resources Management and Organizational Behavior and Director
of the Human Resource Executive Program and Managing Technology and
Strategic Innovation Executive Program at Stanford University.
1 The "Right" People or the "Right" Organization?
2 Southwest Airlines: If Success Is So Simple, Why Is It So
Hard to Imitate?
3 Cisco Systems: Acquiring and Retaining Talentin
Hypercompetitive Markets
4 The Men''s Wearhouse: Growth in a Declining Market
5 The SAS Institute: Succeeding with Old-Fashioned Values in
a New Industry
6 PSS World Medical: Opening the Books
7 AES: Is This Global Company Out of Control?
8 New United Motor Manufacturing, Inc.: Transforming People
and Systems
9 Cypress Semiconductor: What''s Missing?
10 Unlocking the Hidden Value in All of Your People
About the Authors



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