內容簡介: |
From the classic comics to the big screen, "The Spider-Man
Vault" is a comprehensive collection of art and ephemera that
brings Spidey''s back story out of the archive and into the arms of
fans worldwide. This vivid collection of images and ephemera
focuses on a dynamic exploration of Spider-Man''s character,
providing his ''biography'' through his development in comics, media,
and culture. Further drawing readers into Spidey''s world will be
approximately 20 removable features, housed in the sophisticated
plastic pages specific to the Vault format, and printed on special
papers to heighten the noteworthiness of each carefully selected
關於作者: |
Peter A. David is best known for his work in comic books and
Star Trek novels. In the 1980s he worked for Marvel Comics''
marketing department; while there, he wrote a story for The
Spect-acular Spider-Man entitled The Death of Jean DeWolff, which
was critically and popularly acclaimed. He has been a writer for
The Incredible Hulk, DC Comics, and has published dozens of novels
including fantasy fiction, many of which have hit the New York
Times bestseller list. He has also written scripts and co-produced
for television and film. His opinion column, "But I Digress,"
remains a staple of the Comic Buyer''s Guide comics industry
periodical. He lives in Bayport, New York.