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『英文書』Mark Twain

書城自編碼: 2046502
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書→文学 Literature
作者: Mark
國際書號(ISBN): 9781607103165
出版社: Silver Dolphin Books
出版日期: 2011-11-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 718/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1253



** 我創建的書架 **

Mark Twain wrote his greatest works more than one hundred
years ago, but he''s never far from the minds of Americans. Whether
it''s the new, complete, and uncensored version of his autobiography
hitting bestseller lists or the removal of certain controversial
language from one of his novels, his name and his legacy remain a
topic of conversation--and undoubtedly will for years to come.
There''s no better time to appreciate his stories, or read them for
the very first time. "The Adventures of Tom Sawyer," "The Prince
and the Pauper," "Adventures of Huckleberry Finn," "A Connecticut
Yankee in King Arthur''s Court," and "The Tragedy of Pudd''nhead
Wilson" are collected in this timeless and elegant book. Part of
the Canterbury Classics series, Mark Twain features a beautiful
cover, a ribbon bookmark, and other elements to enhance the reading
experience, along with an introduction by a renowned Twain scholar
that will enlighten new and familiar readers alike. This edition of
"Mark Twain" is a treasure to enjoy forever--just like the writing
of Twain himself!
Mark Twain Riverboat pilot, journalist, failed businessman
several times over: Samuel Clemens -- the man behind the figure
of “Mark Twain” -- led many lives. But it was in his novels and
short stories that he created a voice and an outlook on life that
will be forever identified with the American character. Biography
Mark Twain was born Samuel Langhorne Clemens on November 30, 1835,
in Florida, Missouri; his family moved to the port town of Hannibal
four years later. His father, an unsuccessful farmer, died when
Twain was eleven. Soon afterward the boy began working as an
apprentice printer, and by age sixteen he was writing newspaper
sketches. He left Hannibal at eighteen to work as an itinerant
printer in New York, Philadelphia, St. Louis, and Cincinnati. From
1857 to 1861 he worked on Mississippi steamboats, advancing from
cub pilot to licensed pilot. After river shipping was interrupted
by the Civil War, Twain headed west with his brother Orion, who had
been appointed secretary to the Nevada Territory. Settling in
Carson City, he tried his luck at prospecting and wrote humorous
pieces for a range of newspapers. Around this time he first began
using the pseudonym Mark Twain, derived from a riverboat term.
Relocating to San Francisco, he became a regular newspaper
correspondent and a contributor to the literary magazine the Golden
Era. He made a five-month journey to Hawaii in 1866 and the
following year traveled to Europe to report on the first organized
tourist cruise. The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County and
Other Sketches 1867 consolidated his growing reputation as
humorist and lecturer. After his marriage to Livy Langdon, Twain
settled first in Buffalo, New York, and then for two decades in
Hartford, Connecticut. His European sketches were expanded into The
Innocents Abroad 1869, followed by Roughing It 1872, an account
of his Western adventures; both were enormously successful. Twain''s
literary triumphs were offset by often ill-advised business
dealings he sank thousands of dollars, for instance, in a failed
attempt to develop a new kind of typesetting machine, and thousands
more into his own ultimately unsuccessful publishing house and
unrestrained spending that left him in frequent financial
difficulty, a pattern that was to persist throughout his life.
Following The Gilded Age 1873, written in collaboration with
Charles Dudley Warner, Twain began a literary exploration of his
childhood memories of the Mississippi, resulting in a trio of
masterpieces --The Adventures of Tom Sawyer 1876, Life on the
Mississippi 1883, and finally The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
1885, on which he had been working for nearly a decade. Another
vein, of historical romance, found expression in The Prince and the
Pauper 1882, the satirical A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur''s
Court 1889, and Personal Recollections of Joan of Arc 1896,
while he continued to draw on his travel experiences in A Tramp
Abroad 1880 and Following the Equator 1897. His close
associates in these years included William Dean Howells, Bret
Harte, and George Washington Cable, as well as the dying Ulysses S.
Grant, whom Twain encouraged to complete his memoirs, published by
Twain''s publishing company in 1885. For most of the 1890s Twain
lived in Europe, as his life took a darker turn with the death of
his daughter Susy in 1896 and the worsening illness of his daughter
Jean. The tone of Twain''s writing also turned progressively more
bitter. The Tragedy of Pudd''nhead Wilson 1894, a detective story
hinging on the consequences of slavery, was followed by powerful
anti-imperialist and anticolonial statements such as ''To the Person
Sitting in Darkness'' 1901, ''The War Prayer'' 1905, and ''King
Leopold''s Soliloquy'' 1905, and by the pessimistic sketches
collected in the privately published What Is Man? 1906. The
unfinished novel The Mysterious Stranger was perhaps the most
uncompromisingly dark of all Twain''s later works. In his last
years, his financial troubles finally resolved, Twain settled near
Redding, Connecticut, and died in his



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