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『英文書』Steve Jobs Way

書城自編碼: 2046482
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: JayElliot
國際書號(ISBN): 9781593156398
出版社: Vanguard
出版日期: 2011-05-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 242/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1305



** 我創建的書架 **

In this title, a former senior VP of Apple Computer reveals
the ''real'' Steve Jobs and the mysteries of his innovative
management style. Learn from the risks, rewards and failures Jobs
experienced, directly from a key figure and insider of those
adventures. From product development meetings to design labs,
through executive boardroom showdowns to the world outside of
Silicon Valley, this is the real Steve Jobs: the true story of the
''Boy Genius'' who transformed technology and our world - the way we
work, play and communicate. Told from the perspective of a person
who has known Jobs for over 30 years, and full of exclusive
interviews with many of the key figures in Apple Computer''s
history, friends and foes of Jobs alike - this book unfolds not
only the Steve Jobs you won''t see on stages but also reveals and
deeply explores his management and leadership principles. From the
Apple II to the Macintosh to Jobs'' stunning fall from grace through
his rebirth atop Apple, to Pixar, the iPod, iPhone, iPad and much
more, "The Steve Jobs Way" reveals real-life examples of Jobs''
leadership challenges and triumphs, helping readers apply these
principles to their own lives and careers. Written in partnership
with William L. Simon, author or the bestselling iCon, "The Steve
Jobs Way" is not only the most revealing Steve Jobs biography ever
written, it''s the ''how to be like Steve'' book readers have been
waiting for.
Jay Elliot has more than 30 years operations experience with
such corporate giants as IBM, Intel and Apple Computer. He served
as the Senior Vice President of Apple Computer, responsible for all
corporate operations and corporate business planning, reporting
directly to Steve Jobs. As a member of the Macintosh organization
Jay helped Steve develop the Macintosh computer from development to
introduction. During his tenure at Apple sales grew from $150
million to more than $3 billion.Jay is currently the CEO, Founder
of software company Nuvel, Inc. and was previously the Founder and
Chairman of Migo Software, Inc. a mobility software company, and
inventor of its flagship product, Migo.Jay lives in California.
William L Simon is the author of numerous New York Times
bestsellers, including iCON Wiley 2005, which is currently the
bestselling Steve Jobs biography. He is also the author, along with
the ''world''s most infamous hacker'' Kevin Mitnick, of the
bestsellers The Art of Deception and The Art of Intrusion. He lives
in Los Angeles.
Author''s Note, ix
Prologue, xi
PARTIProduct Czar
Passion for the Product
Success Is in the Details
PARTII Talent Rules
Teaming: "Pirates! Not the Navy"
Tapping Talent
Rewards for the Pirates
PARTIIITeam Sports
The Product-Driven Organization
Maintaining Momentum
Holistic Product Development
Evangelizing Innovation
PARTIVBecoming Cool:
A Different View of Selling
The Door Opener: Branding
Riding the Retail Juggernaut
Achieving the Definition of Cool:
"There''s an App for That"
PARTVOn Becoming Stevian
In His Footsteps
A Letter to Steve, 229
Acknowledgments, 235
Notes, 239



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