內容簡介: |
Demonstrating Harry Potter’s global reach and unparalleled
visual impact, Harry Potter: The Definitive Movie Posters features
the most dramatic national and international movie posters created
during the entire eight-film run. This elegant, large-scale format
captures the magic of the films with forty artfully selected,
display-worthy posters. Fans will get a sense of the mounting
excitement that surrounded the screenings worldwide. Beloved
characters, powerful emotions, and thrilling moments leap from the
The posters are printed on glossy cardstock inside a protective
cover. Easily removable as full sheets, they’re crease-free and
perfect for displaying. Featured images include the iconic
depiction of Hagrid and young Harry looking up at Hogwarts castle;
the all-knowing gazes of Professors Dumbledore and McGonagall; the
romantic Yule Ball costumes; the chilling face of Voldemort; and
many others. You’ll want to display each and every image!
關於作者: |
Warner Bros. Entertainment is a fully integrated, broad-based
entertainment company — a global leader in the creation,
production, distribution, licensing and marketing of creative
content and its related businesses across multiple current and
emerging media and platforms.