內容簡介: |
Are You Prepared for Another Lost Decade? "[Pring] sees
another ''lost decade,'' but also ways to make it a winner". "The
New York Times". Don''t let the secular bear eat you. Prepare to
earn steady profits in another decade of volatile and disappointing
market returns. For more than four decades, Martin Pring has been a
leading innovator and practitioner of financial and business cycle
analysis. In "Investing in the Second Lost Decade", Pring - along
with seasoned portfolio managers Joe Turner and Tom Kopas - offers
conclusive proof that we''re only near the midway point of a
continued secular cycle of flat returns and deeply cyclical
economic conditions. To guide you through these uncertain times,
Pring, Turner, and Kopas deliver a proven action plan for mastering
the realities facing today''s investors. Using proprietary analysis,
the authors explore the characteristics of long-term bear markets
along with the looming dual threats of inflation and rising
interest rates - and outline positive steps you can take to create
a dynamically managed investment portfolio. You''ll discover not
only how to take advantage of emerging profit opportunities but how
to protect yourself from inevitable cyclical declines. Invest
confidently and decisively, even in today''s secular bear market.
Learn how to: understand the secular trends for stocks, bonds, and
commodities and the importance of paying attention to business
cycle swings; develop two distinct game plans: one for defense, to
protect assets in difficult periods, and one for offense, to grow
wealth during favorable conditions; learn to tailor asset
allocations to minimize risk and optimize returns throughout the
business cycle; and, achieve more consistent portfolio returns with
less risk - and less stress. The secular bull markets of the 1980s
and 1990s are long gone - and with them the conventional
buy-and-hold, indexing, and passive asset allocation methodologies
that will continue to frustrate investors. Wait-and-see isn''t a
plan; it''s a wish. Start following the proven investing strategies
outlined in "Investing in the Second Lost Decade" today and you
will be on your way to building wealth while safeguarding your
hard-earned assets.
關於作者: |
Martin J. Pring is regarded as one of the best-known and
well-respected figures in financial market analysis. He serves as
chief investment strategist at Pring Turner Capital Group. Joe D.
Turner and Tom J. Kopas are principals and portfolio managers at
Pring Turner Capital Group, a money management firm dedicated to
the business cycle investment strategy discussed in Investing in
the Second Lost Decade.