編輯推薦: |
"The undisputed master-storyteller ... Artful, funny, profoundly
inventive and touched with the blessed knowledge of how to tap the
basest in a child''s nature and lead it towards the best" Daily Mail
"Roald Dahl invented a new kind of literature for children full of
the awful and gross - an exagerration of the everyday underpinned
by serious observations about our best and worst inclinations"
Waterstones Books Quarterly 20090501
內容簡介: |
The Wormwoods think their daughter, Matilda, is nothing better
than a scab, to be flicked away at the earliest opportunity. But
unbeknown to her ghastly parents, Matilda is no ordinary child -
she is a genius! When she realises the extent of her psychic powers
and intelligence she starts to use them to hilarious effect to get
revenge on her parents and the terrifying head teacher Miss
關於作者: |
The son of Norwegian parents, Roald Dahl was born in Wales in
1916 and educated at Repton. He was a fighter pilot for the RAF
during World War Two, and it was while writing about his
experiences during this time that he started his career as an
author. His fabulously popular children''s books are read by
children all over the world. He died in November 1990. is well
known as Roald Dahl''s principal illustrator but has also written
and illustrated a great many picture books of his own, such as Mr
Magnolia and Zagazoo. He was appointed the first Children''s
Laureate in May 1999.
The Reader of Books
Mr Wormwood, the Great Car Dealer
The Hat and the Superglue
The Ghost
The Platinum-Blond Man
Miss Honey
The Trunchbull
The Parents
Throwing the Hammer
Bruce Bogtrotter and the Cake
The Weekly Test
The First Miracle
The Second Miracle
Miss Honey''s Cottage
Miss Honey''s Story
The Names
The Practice
The Third Miracle
A New Home