編輯推薦: |
Snail is soooo slow… It takes her all day to slide, climb, creep
and leaf-float her way to the vegetable bed. But it’s worth it –
she’s just in time for dinner! Little fingers will love tracing the
shiny snail trail and seeing where Snail’s journey takes her
內容簡介: |
Sloooooooowly snail slides, up and down, over and under, in and
關於作者: |
Mary Murphy is the author-illustrator of Walker picture book titles
A Kiss Like This, How Kind!, Little Owl and the Star, I Kissed the
Baby and Utterly Lovely One, as well as Egmont''s Little Penguin
series. She has also written a Walker Story book Comings and Goings
at Parrot Park, illustrated by Jessica Ahlberg. She lives in
Kilcolgan, Co. Galway, Ireland.