編輯推薦: |
內容簡介: |
1 Introduction to Mechanics of Materials
2 Overview of Engineering Mechanics
3 Stress-Strain Relationship of Materials
4 Stress Limits in Design
5 Load Classification
6 Testing of Materials
7 Durability of Concrete
8 Durability of Building Materials
9 Reinforcing Steels for Concrete
10 Reinforcement
11 Concrete Block
12 The Choice of Building Materials
13 Design of Simple Structures
14 Computer-Aided Design for Comtruction
15 Safety of Structures
16 Safety Evaluation of Existing Structures
17 Loading Conditions
18 Loads on Building Foundations
19 Loads, Strength, and Structural Safety
20 Slabs
21 Structural Reliability
22 Structural Analysis
23 Conveying, Placing, Compacting, and Curing of Concrete
24 Transportation, Placing, and Curing of Concrete
25 Reinforced Concrete
26 Intreduefion to Reinforced Concrete Design
27 Properties of Prestressed Concrete
28 Prestressed Concrete
29 Design of Partially Prestressed Concrete Members
30 Bond of Concrete to Steel
31 Full Versus Partial Prestressing Concrete
32 Proportioning and Mixing of Concrete
33 Tall Building Structure
34 High-Rise Buildings
35 Tall Building Behavior
36 Design Criteria for Tall Buildings
37 Soil Mechanics in Foundation Engineering
38 Introduction to Geotechnical Engineering
39 Fotmdations
40 Foundation Classification
41 Piles
42 Footings and Foundations
43 Earthwork
44 Scheduling and Control of Construction
45 Flexible Pavement Design
46 Highway Geometric Design
47 Bridges
48 Prestressed Concrete Bridges
49 Surveying Engineering
50 Three-Dimensional CAD Models
51 Quality Control and Quality Assurance
52 Processes of Building Management
53 Efficient Organization of Firms
54 Marketing
55 Bidding, Bid Opening and Award of Contract
56 Contractual Documents
57 Tests on Completion and Employers Taking-Over
58 Effective Technical Report Writing
59 How to Write a Scientific Paper
60 Technical Report Elements
1 材料力学引论
3 材料的应力与应变之间的关系
5 载荷的分类
7 混凝土的耐久性
9 用于混凝土中的钢筋
11 混凝土砌块
13 简单结构的设计
15 结构的安全度
17 荷载状态
19 荷载、强度和结构安全
21 结构可靠性
23 混凝土的输送、浇筑、捣实和养护
25 钢筋混凝土
27 预应力混凝土的特点
29 部分预应力混凝土构件的设计
31 全预应力和部分预应力混凝土
33 高层建筑结构
35 高层建筑的性能
37 基础工程中的土力学
39 基础
41 桩
43 土方工程
45 柔性路面设计
47 桥梁
49 测量工程
51 质量控制与质量保证
53 高效率的企业组织方式
55 招标、开标和授予合同
57 竣工试验和雇主的接收
59 如何撰写科学论文