內容簡介: |
《fundamentals of electric circuit
theory(电路基础)英文版》内容简介:the book is designed for use as a textbook for
a first course in circuit analysis or as a supplement to standard
texts and can be used by electrical engineering students as well as
other engineering and technology students. emphasis is placed on
the basic laws, theorems, and problem-solving techniques which are
common to most courses.
the book begins with fundamental definitions, circuit elements
including dependent sources, circuit laws and theorems, and
analysis techniques such as node voltage and mesh current methods.
these theorems and methods are initially applied to dc-resistive
circuits and then extended to rlc circuits by the use of impedance
and complex frequency. chapter 3, where the concept of complex
frequency is introduced, phasor analysis, sinusoidal steady state,
power, power factor, and its correction.. series resonance, quality
factor, ?q?, power, bandwidth, and selectivity of a series resonant
circuit, coupled circuits and transformers are thoroughly covered
in chapter 4. the characteristics of three-phase circuits, the
analysis of balanced loads and unbalanced loads, the calculation
and measurement of power in three-phase circuits are mainly
introduced in the last chapter.
it can be used as a primary text or supplementary text. it is
also ideal for self-study and provides the technical staffs and
university teachers with references.
chapter 1 basic concepts and laws of circuit analysis
1.1 introduction
1.2 the si system of units
1.3 prefixes
1.4 circuit diagrams
1.5 voltage and current
1.6 the unit of electrical charge: the coulomb
1.7 voltage
1.8 current
1.9 resistance
1.10 ohm''s law, power, and energy
1.11 series circuits
1.12 parallel circuits
1.13 series-parallel circuits
chapter 2 analysis methods and theorem of networks
2.1 ideal-current sources
2.2 source conversions
2.3 current sources in parallel and series
2.4 branch-current analysis
2.5 mesh loop analysis
2.6 nodal analysis
2.7 delta-wye pi-tee conversion
2.8 bridge networks
2.9 superposition theorem
2.10 thevenin''s theorem
2.11 norton''s theorem
2.12 maximum power transfer theorem
2.13 substitution theorem
2.14 millman''s theorem
2.15 reciprocity theorem
chapter 3 sinusoidal ac circuits
3.1 capacitors and capacitance
3.2 inductance and inductors
3.3 ac fundamentals
3.4 r, l?, and c? elements and the impedance
3.5 ac series-parallel circuits
3.6 methods of ac analysis
3.7 ac network theorems
3.8 power in ac circuits
chapter 4 resonance and coupled circuit
chapter 5 three-phase circuits