內容簡介: |
Though fierce, not all sharks are the dangerous monsters we
think them to be. In fact, far more sharks are killed by humans
each year than human are killed by sharks. Doubilet takes you down
to the deep, where a glorious variety of this amazing family awaits
you, from the famous Great White to his foot-long cousins. How
close do you want to get to these marvels of the deep? Doubilet
spends much of his life trying to get close enough to look them in
the eye. And now, through Doubilet''s remarkable photographs, you
can too! Once you have seen the true beauty of sharks, you will be
sad to learn that humans both fear them and destroy them in great
關於作者: |
Acclaimed underwater photographer David Doubilet has been a
contract photographer for National Geographic since 1976 and has
shot numerous articles for the publication.