編輯推薦: |
Brain Quest is beloved by kids, trusted by parents, used and
recommended by teachers. It’s the curriculum-based, fast-paced,
question-and-answer game that challenges kids on the stuff they
need to know, when they need to know it. It’s the brand that says
“It’s fun to be smart!” And it delivers.
For the fourth edition every deck is thoroughly revised and
includes 20 percent new material. The content aligns with national
and state standards and is overseen by the Brain Quest Advisory
內容簡介: |
First launched in 1992, Brain Quest is the bestselling series
of question-and-answer cards that''s helped over 14 million kids
learn and have fun, too. And now the entire series has been
revamped inside and out.
BRAIN QUEST KINDERGARTEN gives kids ages five to six a smart
start. It includes 15% new material, a greater balance of math and
reading skills, and more activity cards. In addition, each deck
comes with a bound-in parents'' guide. Featuring bolder colors, new
illustrations, full-color icons, and a more energetic design, Brain
Quest looks as smart as it is. And, of course, each Brain Quest is
still as portable as ever.
關於作者: |
Chris Welles Feder has spent a great part of her life working in
the field of education and is known to many as a writer for the
children''s educational seriesBrain
She lives with her husband in New York City.
Play time, Learning time, Together time
Alphabet puzzles and Mother Goose. Number quizzes. Lives of
animals. Mix-and-match games-and lots of "What''s Wrong with This
Picture?" pictures. Here are 300 questions to open up your child''s
world of knowledge-and 300 new ways for the two of you to spend
play-and-learn moments together.