內容簡介: |
Unit 1: Popular Noises
Text I What Is This "Black" in Black Popular Culture?
Text II From John Farmhand to Lordi: the Noise of Music
Unit 2 : The Political Economy of Music
Text III The Music Industry and Rap:between the Street and the
Executive Suite
Text IV Digitalisation, Music and Copyright
Unit 3 : Technology
Text V The MP3 as Cultural Artifact
Text VI No Dead Air! The iPod and the Culture of Mobile
Unit 4 : Musical Creativity, Authohip and Musiciahip
Text VII Music, Culture, and Creativity
Text VIII From Craft to Corporate Interfacing: Rock Musiciahip
in the Age of Music Television and Computer-Programmed Music
Unit 5: Musical Forms, Styles and Genres
Text IX Popular Music Analysis: Ten Apothegms and Four Itances
Text X From "My Blue Heaven" to "Race with the Devil" : Echo,
Reverb Dis Ordered Space in Early Popular Music Recording
Unit 6 : Visualizing Music
Text XI Panel Discussion on Film Sound Film Music
Text XII The Aesthetics of Music Video: an Analysis of Madonna''
Unit 7: Subjectivities, Bodies Identities: Youth
Text XIII Researching Youth Culture and Popular Music: a
Methodological Critique
Text XIV Just a Girl? Rock Music, Feminism, and the Cultural
Cotruction of Female Youth
Unit 8: Subjectivities, Bodies Identities: Gender and
Text XV Turn the Beat Around: Richard Dyer'' s "In Defence of
Disco" Revisited
Text XVI What'' s That Smell? Queer Temporalities and Subcultural
Unit 9 : Subjectivities, Bodies Identifies: Race and
Text XVII Music and the Global Order
Text XVIII From Bombay''to Bollywood: Tracking Cinematic and
Music Tou
Unit 10: Spaces, Flows and Subjectivities
Text XIX Dancing between Islands: Hip Hop and the Samoan
Text XX Would You Like Some World Music with Your Latte?
Starbucks, Putumayo, and Distributed Tourism