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『英文書』Uncover a T. Rex 构造探秘系列:霸王龙(平装大开本) ISBN9781571457905

書城自編碼: 2009319
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Dennis
國際書號(ISBN): 9781571457905
出版社: Silver Dolphin Books
出版日期: 2003-07-01
版次: 1 印次: 1

書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 945



** 我創建的書架 **

Uncover a T-Rex examines the structure and fossilized bones of
the most powerful meat-eating animal to ever live on land. Learn
about scientists'' theories and observations and how they came to
their conclusions. Discover where T.rex fossils were found in the
US, if they were hunters or scavengers, if they were related to
birds, and how fast this enormous animal could run.
Dennis Schatz is Senior Vice President for Strategic Programs
at Pacific Science Center in Seattle, Washington. A research solar
astronomer prior to his career in science education, he worked at
the Lawrence Hall of Science at the University of California,
Berkeley, prior to moving to Seattle in 1977. At Pacific Science
Center he has held a broad range of positions from Director of the
Planetarium in his early years to VP for Exhibits and VP for
Education in more recent years.
He provides leadership to several of Pacific Science Center''s
major initiatives, including Washington State LASER and Portal to
the Public. He co-directs Washington State LASER Leadership and
Assistance for Science Education Reform, a program to implement a
quality K-12 science program in all 295 school districts in
Washington State.
The Portal to the Public effort is a new initiative to develop
programs - both onsite and off - that engage the public in
understanding the current science research being conducted in our
community. The first major Portal to the Public program is an NSF
grant to develop and research effective models to engage the public
in understanding current science research via face-to-face
interactions with scientists.
Over his years at Pacific Science Center he served as
Principal Investigator for a number of National Science Foundation
NSF projects, including the Science Center''s innovative Community
Leadership project that develops science advocates in
community-based organizations, and the nationally touring exhibit,
Aliens: Worlds of Possibilities, which explores the nature of the
solar system and the search for extraterrestrial life in the
He is active in the Association of Science-Technology Centers
ASTC, being a past member of its Program Committee, Professional
Development Committee and past chair of its Education Committee. He
is past chair of ASTC''s Leading Edge Awards Selection Committee. He
is also active in the National Science Teachers Association, having
been Program or General Chair for three of NSTA''s Conventions.
He has dedicated many years to identifying effective ways to
teach astronomy concepts, especially through his involvement with
the Astronomical Society of the Pacific ASP, the largest
international society dedicated to astronomy education in and out
of school. He is a past board member and a past president of the



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