內容簡介: |
This book 1s meant to serve as a textbook for university
students, aiming at the scientific un-derstanding of diagenesis and
reservoir quality prediction, which mainly covers the majors of
petro-leum exploration and petroleum engineering. We thank many
postgraduate students, such as DanLiu, Qian Li, Peijun Li, Rui Guo,
Mingzhu Lei and Ao Su, for their drawing all the figures in
thetextbook. China University of Geosciences Wuhan provides the
funding for the publication of thisbook.
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1 Overview
1.2 Glossary
1.3 Abbreviations
Chapter 2 Tools and Techniques
2.1 At what stage o{ exploration or production can the tools be applied?
2.2 How reliable are the tools?
2.3 Further reading
Chapter 3 Diagenesis of Clastic and Carbonate Rocks
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Clastic diagenesis
3.3 Carbonate diagenesis
Chapter 4 Rock Mechanics Related to Reservoir
4.1 Underground stresses
4.2 Pore pressure
4.3 Sedimentological aspects
4.4 Mechanical properties of sedimentary rocks
Chapter 5 Lithofacies
5.1 Why consider litho{acies?
5.2 What is lithofacies?
5.3 How does sandstone composition a{{ect reservoir quality?
5.4 How does texture affect porosity?
5.5 How does texture affect permeability?
5.6 What is the effect of fabric on reservoir quality?
5.7 What are the effects of bedding and sedimentary structures on reserv
5.8 How are depositional environments,primary litho{acies and K- related? ""
5.9 Conclusions
Chapter 6 Carbonate Sequences
Chapter 7 Compaction
Chapter 8 Quartz
Chapter 9 Clays
Chapter 10 Carbonate Cements in Clastics
Chapter 11 Secondary Porosity
Chapter 12 Faults and Fractures
Chapter 13 How Can We Predict Porosity?
Chapter 14 How Can We Predict Permeability?
Chapter 15 How Can We Predict Reservoir Connectivity and