Among all the dazzling degign elementg that build up a modern
world of color and diversiLy. t,here 1s art. It can be the simplest
sign that tells the most: it can be the most conclusive word that.
explains the best: it can be as whimsical as a careless sketch: and
it can be as penetrating as a strong light. it is the well-designed
As a symbol and also a method of communicaLion, logos show us
charm and vitality. They can be seen almost. everywhere in our
daily liFe. be it a street, a shopping mall. a restaurant, or just,
a little corner down the road. Actually. logos have come to be such
an indispensible part of our lives that to talk about their meaning
and importance here may be a platitude to many of us. However to
help people become better acquainted with one of the most, familiar
and important, design elements. and to encourage those who draw
inspiration from the work of others, we present this book. "Logos
It is a collection of work by different desisners around the
world. all with varied ideas and design styles. As in a fleld in
the springtime. the different shapes and colors bloom in many
varieties. By flippins the page. you are enterins an amazins world
of logos. It will guide your steps. It will unfold before you the
beauty that is created by the minds and fingertips of go many
degigners. and it will offer you thejoy and enlightenment of
Finally. we would like to take this opportunity to express our
sincerest gratitude to all the designers who constributed to this
book, without whom the book would not have been made. We would also
like to thank Alphabet Arm Design for helping us to come up with
the book''s title.
Alphabet Arm
Kaloian Toshev
Mikhail Karagezyan
Johana Pscheidtova
Anton saputra Felix Susanto Edison Chow
Mike Speero
STATE (formerly known as Techneo)
Gustavo Vandoni
Lcono Seis SA de CV
Dmitry Galsan
Arnas Goldbergas
Mark Brooks
Paul Gardner
Joan Pons Moll
Kamila Szadaj
Richard Baird
Sebastian Gagin
Irina Batkova
Rudy Hurtado Global Brandin
Vladimir Mijatovic
Marco de Obaldia
Peter Vasvari
Giedrius Cibulskis
Ruslan Khasanov
Philipp ZurmNurnberg
Tadas Vincaitis (nickname-Plugas )
Michele Zamparo
Richard Scott
Jovan Obradovic Shpira
Scott Lambert
Fabian Marchinko
Srdjan Kirtic
Wizmaya Design Studio
Florin Capota
Artem Sukhanov (aka Klood)
Admix Designs
Bao Nguyen
Przmyslaw Pustelny
Alex MaNeev
Nils Carlson
Stig Tafto
Cleber Faria
Miroslav Vujovic
Lvaylo Nikolov
Denis Wong
Stefan Vasilev
Evgeny Grigoriev
Pitertsev MikhaiIPitertsev Mikhail
zazdesign graphic lab
Craig Scott Russell
Andrea zeman
Ed Price
Anthony Lane
Emrah Eski