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書城自編碼: 1999429
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→教材研究生/本科/专科教材
作者: [美]希尔
國際書號(ISBN): 9787111401902
出版社: 机械工业出版社
出版日期: 2013-01-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 520/
書度/開本: 大32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 698



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第一部分 简介与综述
第1章 全球化1
1.1 什么是全球化5
1.2 全球性机构的出现8
1.3 全球化的驱动者9
1.4 全球经济变化中的统计数据15
1.5 对全球化的争议24
1.6 全球市场中的管理34
第二部分 国家间的差异
第2章 国家间政治经济体制的差异41
2.1 政治体制43
2.2 经济体制47
2.3 法律体制49
2.4 经济发展的决定因素54
2.5 转型中的国家60
2.6 经济转型的性质63
2.7 变化中的政治经济的含义65
第3章 文化差异75
3.1 什么是文化78
3.2 社会结构81
3.3 语言87
3.4 教育88
3.5 文化与工作场所89
3.6 文化的变化91
第4章 国际商务中的道德问题101
4.1 国际商务中的道德问题103
4.2 道德两难的困惑111
4.3 不道德行为的根源112
4.4 道德的哲学方法114
第三部分 跨境贸易与投资
第5章 国际贸易理论131
5.1 自由贸易概述133
5.2 重商主义135
5.3 绝对优势理论137
5.4 比较优势理论139
5.5 赫克歇尔-俄林理论147
5.6 产品生命周期理论149
5.7 新贸易理论152
5.8 国家竞争优势:波特的钻石155
第6章 国际贸易中的政治经济173
6.1 贸易政策的工具175
6.2 政府干预的情况182
6.3 对自由贸易修正的情况190
6.4 全球贸易体系的发展191
第7章 外国直接投资211
7.1 世界经济中的外国直接投资213
7.2 世界经济中外国直接投资的理论219
7.3 政治上的意识形态与外国直接投资226
7.4 fdi所带来的利益和成本229
7.5 政府政策工具与外国直接投资235
第8章 区域经济整合245
8.1 经济整合水平248
8.2 支持区域整合的理由250
8.3 反对区域整合的理由252
8.4 欧洲的区域经济整合252
8.5 美洲的区域经济整合263
8.6 其他地方的区域经济整合270
第四部分 全球货币体系
第9章 外汇市场279
9.1 外汇市场的功能281
9.2 外汇市场的性质287
9.3 汇率决定的经济理论288
9.4 汇率预测298
9.5 货币可兑换性300
第10章 国际货币体系311
10.1 金本位制314
10.2 布雷顿森林体系316
10.3 固定汇率体系的瓦解318
10.4 浮动汇率体系320
10.5 固定汇率与浮动汇率324
10.6 实践中的汇率体系326
10.7 国际货币基金组织对危机的管理328
第五部分 在全球市场竞争
第11章 国际商务战略347
11.1 战略与企业349
11.2 全球扩张、利润率与利润增长358
11.3 成本压力和对当地需求响应的压力365
11.4 战略选择369
11.5 战略联盟375
第12章 进入外国市场385
12.1 基本的进入决策387
12.2 进入模式392
12.3 选择进入模式400
12.4 绿地投资或收购402
第13章 出口、进口和补偿贸易411
13.1 出口的承诺与陷阱413
13.2 改进出口的业绩415
13.3 出口与进口财务420
13.4 出口援助425
13.5 补偿贸易427
第14章 全球生产、外包与物流435
14.1 战略、生产与物流437
14.2 在哪里生产440
14.3 国外工厂的战略角色447
14.4 向外寻找源头生产:自制或外购决定449
14.5 协调全球供应链454
第15章 全球市场营销和研发461
15.1 市场全球化与品牌463
15.2 市场划分465
15.3 产品属性467
15.4 分销战略469
15.5 沟通战略473
15.6 定价战略480
15.7 确定营销方法组合483
15.8 新产品开发485
第16章 全球人力资源管理495
16.1 国际人力资源管理的战略角色497
16.2 人员配备策略499
16.3 培训与管理开发507
16.4 绩效评估511
16.5 补偿512
16.6 国际劳工关系515
part one introduction and overview
chapter one globalization1
opening case: the globalization of banco santander1
what is globalization5
the globalization of markets5
the globalization of production6
the emergence of global institutions8
drivers of globalization9
declining trade and investment barriers10
the role of technological change12
the changing demographics of the global economy15
the changing world output and world trade picture16
the changing foreign direct investment picture17
the changing nature of the multinational enterprise20
the changing world order22
the global economy of the twenty-first
the globalization debate24
antiglobalization protests24
globalization, jobs, and income27
globalization, labor policies, and the environment29
globalization and national sovereignty31
globalization and the world抯 poor32
managing in the global marketplace34
key terms36
critical thinking and discussion questions37
research task38
closing case: the globalization of real estate38
part two country differences
chapter two national differences in political economy41
opening case: turkey: model of equilibrium?41
political systems43
collectivism and individualism43
democracy and totalitarianism46
economic systems47
market economy47
command economy48
mixed economy48
legal systems49
different legal systems49
differences in contract law50
property rights and corruption51
the protection of intellectual property52
product safety and product liability54
the determinants of economic
differences in economic development54
broader conceptions of development: amartya sen56
political economy and economic progress56
geography, education, and economic development59
states in transition60
the spread of democracy60
the new world order and global terrorism61
the spread of market-based systems63
the nature of economic transformation63
legal systems65
implications of changing political economy65
focus on managerial implications66
key terms70
critical thinking and discussion questions71
research task72
closing case: south africa after the world cup72
chapter three differences in culture75
opening case: doing business in russia 75
what is culture?78
values and norms78
culture, society, and the nation-state79
the determinants of culture80
social structure81
individuals and groups81
social stratification83
spoken language87
unspoken language88
culture and the workplace89
cultural change91
focus on managerial implications93
key terms95
critical thinking and discussion questions96
research task96
closing case: anheuser-busch inbev: global versus local
chapter four ethics in international business101
opening case: bangladesh: minimum wages and working
ethical issues in international business103
employment practices103
human rights104
environmental pollution106
moral obligations110
ethical dilemmas111
the roots of unethical behavior112
personal ethics112
decision-making processes113
organizational culture113
unrealistic performance expectations114
philosophical approaches to ethics114
straw men115
utilitarian and kantian ethics117
rights theories119
justice theories120
focus on managerial implications121
key terms127
critical thinking and discussion questions128
research task129
part燭hree cross-border trade and investment
chapter five international trade theory131
opening case: brazilˇs global perspective131
an overview of trade theory133
the benefits of trade133
the pattern of international trade134
trade theory and government policy135
absolute advantage137
comparative advantage139
the gains from trade140
qualifications and assumptions142
extensions of the ricardian model143
heckscher-ohlin theory147
the leontief paradox148
the product life-cycle theory149
evaluating the product life-cycle theory150
new trade theory152
increasing product variety and reducing costs152
economics of scale, first mover advantages, and the pattern of
implications of new trade theory153
national competitive advantage: porter抯 diamond155
factor endowments157
demand conditions157
related and supporting industries157
firm strategy, structure, and rivalry159
evaluating porter抯 theory159
focus on managerial implications160
key terms162
critical thinking and discussion questions164
research task164
closing case: born global165
appendix a international trade and the balance of payments167
chapter six the political economy of international trade173
opening case: the global financial crisis, the wto, and the
instruments of trade policy175
import quotas and voluntary export restraints178
local content requirements180
administrative policies180
antidumping policies181
the case for government intervention182
political arguments for intervention183
economic arguments for intervention188
the revised case for free trade190
retaliation and trade war190
domestic policies191
development of the world trading system191
from smith to the great depression192
1947?979: gatt, trade liberalization, and economic growth192
1980?993: protectionist trends193
the uruguay round and the world trade organization194
the future of the wto: unresolved issues and the doha
focus on managerial implications204
key terms206
critical thinking and discussion
research task208
closing case: international slave
chapter seven foreign direct investment211
opening case: carrefour in india211
foreign direct investment in the world economy213
trends in fdi213
the direction of fdi215
the source of fdi218
the form of fdi: acquisitions versus greenfield
theories of foreign direct investment219
why foreign direct investment?220
the pattern of foreign direct investment223
the eclectic paradigm224
political ideology and foreign direct investment226
the radical view226
the free market view227
pragmatic nationalism227
shifting ideology228
benefits and costs of fdi229
host-country benefits229
host-country costs232
home-country benefits234
home-country costs234
international trade theory and fdi235
government policy instruments and
home-country policies235
host-country policies236
international institutions and the liberalization of fdi237
focus on managerial implications238
key terms240
critical thinking and discussion
research task242
closing case: foreign direct investment in africa242
chapter eight regional economic integration245
opening case: nafta and the trucking industry245
levels of economic integration248
the case for regional integration250
the economic case for integration250
the political case for integration251
impediments to integration251
the case against regional integration252
regional economic integration in
evolution of the european union253
political structure of the european union253
the single european act256
the establishment of the euro259
enlargement of the european union262
regional economic integration in the americas263
the north american free trade agreement263
the andean community267
central american common market, cafta, and caricom269
free trade area of the americas269
regional economic integration
association of southeast asian
asia-pacific economic cooperation271
regional trade blocs in africa271
focus on managerial implications272
key terms274
critical thinking and discussion
research task276
closing case: the european energy
part four global money system
chapter nine the foreign exchange market279
opening case: chinese yuan and economic balance279
the functions of the foreign exchange market281
currency conversion282
insuring against foreign exchange risk283
the nature of the foreign exchange
economic theories of exchange rate determination288
prices and exchange rates289
interest rates and exchange rates295
investor psychology and bandwagon effects296
summary of exchange rate theories298
exchange rate forecasting298
the efficient market school298
the inefficient market school299
approaches to forecasting299
currency convertibility300
focus on managerial implications302
key terms306
critical thinking and discussion questions307
research task308
closing case: the yen and exports: japan''s continued
chapter ten the international monetary system311
opening case: macau and the macanese pataca311
the gold standard314
mechanics of the gold standard314
strength of the gold standard315
the period between the wars, 1918?939315
the bretton woods system316
the role of the imf317
the role of the world bank318
the collapse of the fixed exchange rate system318
the floating exchange rate regime320
the jamaica agreement320
exchange rates since 1973320
fixed versus floating exchange rates324
the case for floating exchange rates324
the case for fixed exchange rates325
who is right?326
exchange rate regimes in practice326
pegged exchange rates327
currency boards328
crisis management by the imf328
financial crises in the post-bretton woods era329
mexican currency crisis of 1995330
the asian crisis331
evaluating the imf''s policy prescriptions335
focus on managerial implications339
key terms342
critical thinking and discussion questions343
research task344
closing case: hungary''s monetary crisis344
part five competing in a global marketplace
chapter eleven the strategy of international business347
opening case: axa347
strategy and the firm349
value creation350
strategic positioning352
operations: the firm as a value chain353
organization: the implementation of strategy355
in sum: strategic fit357
global expansion, profitability, and profit growth358
expanding the market: leveraging products and competencies358
location economies359
experience effects361
leveraging subsidiary skills364
profitability and profit growth summary365
cost pressures and pressures for local responsiveness365
pressures for cost reductions366
pressures for local responsiveness366
choosing a strategy369
global standardization strategy370
localization strategy371
transnational strategy372
international strategy373
the evolution of strategy374
strategic alliances375
the advantages of strategic alliances376
the disadvantages of strategic alliances376
making alliances work377
key terms380
critical thinking and discussion questions381
research task382
closing case: renault-nissan-daimler: evolution of a strategic
chapter twelve entering foreign markets385
opening case: the tata group: foreign entry strategies385
basic entry decisions387
which foreign markets?387
timing of entry388
scale of entry and strategic commitments390
market entry summary391
entry modes392
turnkey projects394
joint ventures397
wholly owned subsidiaries399
selecting an entry mode400
core competencies and entry mode401
pressures for cost reductions and entry mode401
greenfield venture or acquisition?402
pros and cons of acquisitions402
pros and cons of greenfield ventures405
making a choice405
key terms406
critical thinking and discussion questions407
research task408
closing case: intel in costa rica408
chapter thirteen exporting, importing, and countertrade411
opening case: coficab and tunisia411
the promise and pitfalls of exporting413
improving export performance415
an international comparison415
information sources416
utilizing export management companies418
export strategy418
export and import financing420
lack of trust421
letter of credit422
bill of lading424
a typical international trade transaction424
export assistance425
export朓mport bank426
export credit insurance426
the incidence of countertrade427
types of countertrade428
the pros and cons of countertrade429
key terms430
critical thinking and discussion questions431
research task432
chapter fourteen global production,outsourcing, and
opening case: embraer: "the azul skies" 435
strategy, production, and logistics437
where to produce440
country factors440
technological factors442
product factors445
locating production facilities446
the strategic role of foreign factories447
outsourcing production: make-or-buy decisions449
the advantages of make450
the advantages of buy452
strategic alliances with suppliers453
managing a global supply chain454
the role of just-in-time inventory454
the role of information technology and the internet455
key terms456
critical thinking and discussion questions457
research task458
closing case: reducing the cost of innovation458
chapter fifteen global marketing and rd461
opening case: amore pacific''s marketing goes global461
the globalization of markets and brands463
market segmentation465
product attributes467
cultural differences467
economic development468
product and technical standards468
distribution strategy469
differences between countries469
choosing a distribution strategy472
communication strategy473
barriers to international communication473
push versus pull strategies475
global advertising477
pricing strategy480
price discrimination480
strategic pricing481
regulatory influences on prices482
configuring the marketing mix483
new-product development485
the location of rd486
integrating rd, marketing, and production487
cross-functional teams488
building global rd capabilities489
key terms490
critical thinking and discussion questions491
research task492
closing case: apple and the global iphone and ipad492
chapter sixteen global human resource management495
opening case: chemical engineers and global hrm495
the strategic role of international hrm497
staffing policy499
types of staffing policy499
expatriate managers503
the global mind-set506
training and management development507
training for expatriate managers508
repatriation of expatriates509
management development and strategy510
performance appraisal511
performance appraisal problems511
guidelines for performance appraisal511
national differences in compensation512
expatriate pay513
international labor relations515
the concerns of organized labor516
the strategy of organized labor516
approaches to labor relations517
key terms518
critical thinking and discussion
research task
第一部分 简介与综述
第1章 全球化1
1.1 什么是全球化5
1.2 全球性机构的出现8
1.3 全球化的驱动者9
1.4 全球经济变化中的统计数据15
1.5 对全球化的争议24
1.6 全球市场中的管理34
第二部分 国家间的差异
第2章 国家间政治经济体制的差异41
2.1 政治体制43
2.2 经济体制47
2.3 法律体制49
2.4 经济发展的决定因素54
2.5 转型中的国家60
2.6 经济转型的性质63
2.7 变化中的政治经济的含义65
第3章 文化差异75
3.1 什么是文化78
3.2 社会结构81
3.3 语言87
3.4 教育88
3.5 文化与工作场所89
3.6 文化的变化91
第4章 国际商务中的道德问题101
4.1 国际商务中的道德问题103
4.2 道德两难的困惑111
4.3 不道德行为的根源112
4.4 道德的哲学方法114
第三部分 跨境贸易与投资
第5章 国际贸易理论131
5.1 自由贸易概述133
5.2 重商主义135
5.3 绝对优势理论137
5.4 比较优势理论139
5.5 赫克歇尔-俄林理论147
5.6 产品生命周期理论149
5.7 新贸易理论152
5.8 国家竞争优势:波特的钻石155
第6章 国际贸易中的政治经济173
6.1 贸易政策的工具175
6.2 政府干预的情况182
6.3 对自由贸易修正的情况190
6.4 全球贸易体系的发展191
第7章 外国直接投资211
7.1 世界经济中的外国直接投资213
7.2 世界经济中外国直接投资的理论219
7.3 政治上的意识形态与外国直接投资226
7.4 fdi所带来的利益和成本229
7.5 政府政策工具与外国直接投资235
第8章 区域经济整合245
8.1 经济整合水平248
8.2 支持区域整合的理由250
8.3 反对区域整合的理由252
8.4 欧洲的区域经济整合252
8.5 美洲的区域经济整合263
8.6 其他地方的区域经济整合270
第四部分 全球货币体系
第9章 外汇市场279
9.1 外汇市场的功能281
9.2 外汇市场的性质287
9.3 汇率决定的经济理论288
9.4 汇率预测298
9.5 货币可兑换性300
第10章 国际货币体系311
10.1 金本位制314
10.2 布雷顿森林体系316
10.3 固定汇率体系的瓦解318
10.4 浮动汇率体系320
10.5 固定汇率与浮动汇率324
10.6 实践中的汇率体系326
10.7 国际货币基金组织对危机的管理328
第五部分 在全球市场竞争
第11章 国际商务战略347
11.1 战略与企业349
11.2 全球扩张、利润率与利润增长358
11.3 成本压力和对当地需求响应的压力365
11.4 战略选择369
11.5 战略联盟375
第12章 进入外国市场385
12.1 基本的进入决策387
12.2 进入模式392
12.3 选择进入模式400
12.4 绿地投资或收购402
第13章 出口、进口和补偿贸易411
13.1 出口的承诺与陷阱413
13.2 改进出口的业绩415
13.3 出口与进口财务420
13.4 出口援助425
13.5 补偿贸易427
第14章 全球生产、外包与物流435
14.1 战略、生产与物流437
14.2 在哪里生产440
14.3 国外工厂的战略角色447
14.4 向外寻找源头生产:自制或外购决定449
14.5 协调全球供应链454
第15章 全球市场营销和研发461
15.1 市场全球化与品牌463
15.2 市场划分465
15.3 产品属性467
15.4 分销战略469
15.5 沟通战略473
15.6 定价战略480
15.7 确定营销方法组合483
15.8 新产品开发485
第16章 全球人力资源管理495
16.1 国际人力资源管理的战略角色497
16.2 人员配备策略499
16.3 培训与管理开发507
16.4 绩效评估511
16.5 补偿512
16.6 国际劳工关系515
part one introduction and overview
chapter one globalization1
opening case: the globalization of banco santander1
what is globalization5
the globalization of markets5
the globalization of production6
the emergence of global institutions8
drivers of globalization9
declining trade and investment barriers10
the role of technological change12
the changing demographics of the global economy15
the changing world output and world trade picture16
the changing foreign direct investment picture17
the changing nature of the multinational enterprise20
the changing world order22
the global economy of the twenty-first
the globalization debate24
antiglobalization protests24
globalization, jobs, and income27
globalization, labor policies, and the environment29
globalization and national sovereignty31
globalization and the world抯 poor32
managing in the global marketplace34
key terms36
critical thinking and discussion questions37
research task38
closing case: the globalization of real estate38
part two country differences
chapter two national differences in political economy41
opening case: turkey: model of equilibrium?41
political systems43
collectivism and individualism43
democracy and totalitarianism46
economic systems47
market economy47
command economy48
mixed economy48
legal systems49
different legal systems49
differences in contract law50
property rights and corruption51
the protection of intellectual property52
product safety and product liability54
the determinants of economic
differences in economic development54
broader conceptions of development: amartya sen56
political economy and economic progress56
geography, education, and economic development59
states in transition60
the spread of democracy60
the new world order and global terrorism61
the spread of market-based systems63
the nature of economic transformation63
legal systems65
implications of changing political economy65
focus on managerial implications66
key terms70
critical thinking and discussion questions71
research task72
closing case: south africa after the world cup72
chapter three differences in culture75
opening case: doing business in russia 75
what is culture?78
values and norms78
culture, society, and the nation-state79
the determinants of culture80
social structure81
individuals and groups81
social stratification83
spoken language87
unspoken language88
culture and the workplace89
cultural change91
focus on managerial implications93
key terms95
critical thinking and discussion questions96
research task96
closing case: anheuser-busch inbev: global versus local
chapter four ethics in international business101
opening case: bangladesh: minimum wages and working
ethical issues in international business103
employment practices103
human rights104
environmental pollution106
moral obligations110
ethical dilemmas111
the roots of unethical behavior112
personal ethics112
decision-making processes113
organizational culture113
unrealistic performance expectations114
philosophical approaches to ethics114
straw men115
utilitarian and kantian ethics117
rights theories119
justice theories120
focus on managerial implications121
key terms127
critical thinking and discussion questions128
research task129
part燭hree cross-border trade and investment
chapter five international trade theory131
opening case: brazilˇs global perspective131
an overview of trade theory133
the benefits of trade133
the pattern of international trade134
trade theory and government policy135
absolute advantage137
comparative advantage139
the gains from trade140
qualifications and assumptions142
extensions of the ricardian model143
heckscher-ohlin theory147
the leontief paradox148
the product life-cycle theory149
evaluating the product life-cycle theory150
new trade theory152
increasing product variety and reducing costs152
economics of scale, first mover advantages, and the pattern of
implications of new trade theory153
national competitive advantage: porter抯 diamond155
factor endowments157
demand conditions157
related and supporting industries157
firm strategy, structure, and rivalry159
evaluating porter抯 theory159
focus on managerial implications160
key terms162
critical thinking and discussion questions164
research task164
closing case: born global165
appendix a international trade and the balance of payments167
chapter six the political economy of international trade173
opening case: the global financial crisis, the wto, and the
instruments of trade policy175
import quotas and voluntary export restraints178
local content requirements180
administrative policies180
antidumping policies181
the case for government intervention182
political arguments for intervention183
economic arguments for intervention188
the revised case for free trade190
retaliation and trade war190
domestic policies191
development of the world trading system191
from smith to the great depression192
1947?979: gatt, trade liberalization, and economic growth192
1980?993: protectionist trends193
the uruguay round and the world trade organization194
the future of the wto: unresolved issues and the doha
focus on managerial implications204
key terms206
critical thinking and discussion
research task208
closing case: international slave
chapter seven foreign direct investment211
opening case: carrefour in india211
foreign direct investment in the world economy213
trends in fdi213
the direction of fdi215
the source of fdi218
the form of fdi: acquisitions versus greenfield
theories of foreign direct investment219
why foreign direct investment?220
the pattern of foreign direct investment223
the eclectic paradigm224
political ideology and foreign direct investment226
the radical view226
the free market view227
pragmatic nationalism227
shifting ideology228
benefits and costs of fdi229
host-country benefits229
host-country costs232
home-country benefits234
home-country costs234
international trade theory and fdi235
government policy instruments and
home-country policies235
host-country policies236
international institutions and the liberalization of fdi237
focus on managerial implications238
key terms240
critical thinking and discussion
research task242
closing case: foreign direct investment in africa242
chapter eight regional economic integration245
opening case: nafta and the trucking industry245
levels of economic integration248
the case for regional integration250
the economic case for integration250
the political case for integration251
impediments to integration251
the case against regional integration252
regional economic integration in
evolution of the european union253
political structure of the european union253
the single european act256
the establishment of the euro259
enlargement of the european union262
regional economic integration in the americas263
the north american free trade agreement263
the andean community267
central american common market, cafta, and caricom269
free trade area of the americas269
regional economic integration
association of southeast asian
asia-pacific economic cooperation271
regional trade blocs in africa271
focus on managerial implications272
key terms274
critical thinking and discussion
research task276
closing case: the european energy
part four global money system
chapter nine the foreign exchange market279
opening case: chinese yuan and economic balance279
the functions of the foreign exchange market281
currency conversion282
insuring against foreign exchange risk283
the nature of the foreign exchange
economic theories of exchange rate determination288
prices and exchange rates289
interest rates and exchange rates295
investor psychology and bandwagon effects296
summary of exchange rate theories298
exchange rate forecasting298
the efficient market school298
the inefficient market school299
approaches to forecasting299
currency convertibility300
focus on managerial implications302
key terms306
critical thinking and discussion questions307
research task308
closing case: the yen and exports: japan''s continued
chapter ten the international monetary system311
opening case: macau and the macanese pataca311
the gold standard314
mechanics of the gold standard314
strength of the gold standard315
the period between the wars, 1918?939315
the bretton woods system316
the role of the imf317
the role of the world bank318
the collapse of the fixed exchange rate system318
the floating exchange rate regime320
the jamaica agreement320
exchange rates since 1973320
fixed versus floating exchange rates324
the case for floating exchange rates324
the case for fixed exchange rates325
who is right?326
exchange rate regimes in practice326
pegged exchange rates327
currency boards328
crisis management by the imf328
financial crises in the post-bretton woods era329
mexican currency crisis of 1995330
the asian crisis331
evaluating the imf''s policy prescriptions335
focus on managerial implications339
key terms342
critical thinking and discussion questions343
research task344
closing case: hungary''s monetary crisis344
part five competing in a global marketplace
chapter eleven the strategy of international business347
opening case: axa347
strategy and the firm349
value creation350
strategic positioning352
operations: the firm as a value chain353
organization: the implementation of strategy355
in sum: strategic fit357
global expansion, profitability, and profit growth358
expanding the market: leveraging products and competencies358
location economies359
experience effects361
leveraging subsidiary skills364
profitability and profit growth summary365
cost pressures and pressures for local responsiveness365
pressures for cost reductions366
pressures for local responsiveness366
choosing a strategy369
global standardization strategy370
localization strategy371
transnational strategy372
international strategy373
the evolution of strategy374
strategic alliances375
the advantages of strategic alliances376
the disadvantages of strategic alliances376
making alliances work377
key terms380
critical thinking and discussion questions381
research task382
closing case: renault-nissan-daimler: evolution of a strategic
chapter twelve entering foreign markets385
opening case: the tata group: foreign entry strategies385
basic entry decisions387
which foreign markets?387
timing of entry388
scale of entry and strategic commitments390
market entry summary391
entry modes392
turnkey projects394
joint ventures397
wholly owned subsidiaries399
selecting an entry mode400
core competencies and entry mode401
pressures for cost reductions and entry mode401
greenfield venture or acquisition?402
pros and cons of acquisitions402
pros and cons of greenfield ventures405
making a choice405
key terms406
critical thinking and discussion questions407
research task408
closing case: intel in costa rica408
chapter thirteen exporting, importing, and countertrade411
opening case: coficab and tunisia411
the promise and pitfalls of exporting413
improving export performance415
an international comparison415
information sources416
utilizing export management companies418
export strategy418
export and import financing420
lack of trust421
letter of credit422
bill of lading424
a typical international trade transaction424
export assistance425
export朓mport bank426
export credit insurance426
the incidence of countertrade427
types of countertrade428
the pros and cons of countertrade429
key terms430
critical thinking and discussion questions431
research task432
chapter fourteen global production,outsourcing, and
opening case: embraer: "the azul skies" 435
strategy, production, and logistics437
where to produce440
country factors440
technological factors442
product factors445
locating production facilities446
the strategic role of foreign factories447
outsourcing production: make-or-buy decisions449
the advantages of make450
the advantages of buy452
strategic alliances with suppliers453
managing a global supply chain454
the role of just-in-time inventory454
the role of information technology and the internet455
key terms456
critical thinking and discussion questions457
research task458
closing case: reducing the cost of innovation458
chapter fifteen global marketing and rd461
opening case: amore pacific''s marketing goes global461
the globalization of markets and brands463
market segmentation465
product attributes467
cultural differences467
economic development468
product and technical standards468
distribution strategy469
differences between countries469
choosing a distribution strategy472
communication strategy473
barriers to international communication473
push versus pull strategies475
global advertising477
pricing strategy480
price discrimination480
strategic pricing481
regulatory influences on prices482
configuring the marketing mix483
new-product development485
the location of rd486
integrating rd, marketing, and production487
cross-functional teams488
building global rd capabilities489
key terms490
critical thinking and discussion questions491
research task492
closing case: apple and the global iphone and ipad492
chapter sixteen global human resource management495
opening case: chemical engineers and global hrm495
the strategic role of international hrm497
staffing policy499
types of staffing policy499
expatriate managers503
the global mind-set506
training and management development507
training for expatriate managers508
repatriation of expatriates509
management development and strategy510
performance appraisal511
performance appraisal problems511
guidelines for performance appraisal511
national differences in compensation512
expatriate pay513
international labor relations515
the concerns of organized labor516
the strategy of organized labor516
approaches to labor relations517
key terms518
critical thinking and discussion
research task



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