As the organizer of the 16th IUAES
World Congress, The Chinese Union of Anthropological and
Ethnological Sciences CUAES decided to edit and publish
"Anthropology and Ethnology Today Series"--the paper collection
series of the above sub-disciplines or research fields, for
example, Physical Anthropology, Molecular Anthropology, Migration
Anthropology, Museum and Cultural Heritage, Nomadic Peoples
Studies, Linguistic Anthropology, Medical Anthropology, and Ethnic
Culture Studies. We hope that the scholars from different parts of
the world can share with all the achievements in the book series of
this congress.
1.Introduction: Ethnicity and Ethnic Relatio
2.Ethnic Conflict and State Intervention: Colonialism in Motion
3.Risk of Art and Art of Risk: Korean Immigrant Artists in Russia,
USA and Japan
4.Crossing Boundaries: Ethnicity and Islamic Conveion in Belgium
5.Inter-Ethnic Marriages in Korea
6.Ethnic Solidarity: Westernization and Nationalism in Japan
7.Chuukese Migration to Guam: Toward AnthropologicalOrganizational
8.Forest Land Allocation for Ethnic Minorities in Mountainous Areas
of VietNam: An Anthropological Pepective
9.Media Reception and Preservation of Ethnic Culture: A Case Study
of the "Sea Gypsy" Peoples of Southern Thailand
10. Culture and Ethnicity Theory