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書城自編碼: 1991738
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: 李丽君
國際書號(ISBN): 9787515903040
出版社: 中国宇航出版社
出版日期: 2012-10-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 256/390000
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 314



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C. Stearns)是耶鲁大学教授,专攻生活历史演变和药品进化研究。他曾就读于耶鲁大学、威斯康星大学和不列颠哥伦比亚大学;所撰写的专著包括《演变、介绍》《灭绝边缘》《生命演化历史》等。他创立欧洲社会进化生物学和热带生物学协会,并曾经担任主席。他讲课十分精彩,引人入胜,尤擅长用简练的语言和恰到好处的例子将晦涩难懂的生态与生物学概念演绎得简单易懂。

Mark Saltzman)是哈佛大学天文学博士,耶鲁大学化学教授、生物医学工程戈伊苏埃塔基金会教授、生物医学工程系主任。萨尔茨曼教授是耶鲁大学、约翰·霍普金斯、康奈尔大学、宾夕法尼亚大学等高校杰出教学奖励的获得者。他的主要著作包括《药物治疗的工程原理和组织工程学原理》《用于替换器官和组织的设计原理》等。他的许多文章刊登在《生物材料》和《自然-材料学》等杂志上。马克教授擅长将课上和书本上比较难理解的概念进行形象而生动的比喻,使学生容易理解,同时也会使学生加深记忆。
01 Rashes that Itch 发痒的疹子
02 On Obesity 治疗肥胖症
03 Yoga for Pain Relief 缓痛瑜伽
04 Modern Rhinoplasty Surgery 现代鼻整形手术
05 Giving Sight to the Blind 让盲人重获光明
06 Visualizing Desire 可视化的欲望
07 Biological Evolution 生物进化
08 Neutral Evolution 中性进化
09 Bring You to the World of Biomedical Engineering
10 Let’s Interpret Mysterious DNA 解读神秘DNA
11 Immune System 免疫系统
12 Newton’s Laws牛顿定律
13 Work Energy Theorem and Conservation of Energy功能原理和能量守恒定律
14 The Importance of Chemistry 化学的重要性
15 Application of Robots 机器人的应用
16 Solar System太阳系
17 Transit行星凌
18 Black Holes黑洞
19 Cancer癌症
20 AIDS艾滋病
01. Rashes that Itch
——网易网友 帅帅的讲师,清晰的吐词,讲授生活的健康! ——网易网友 正文 Tonight, I’m going to
lecturing on “Rashes that Itch”. Now this is always an interesting
topic because we all get these. There are many different forms of
rashes that can cause an itch. I wanted to begin by saying that I
have never taken a cent from any drug company. During this lecture,
I will refer to a couple of medications. Again, I’ve never taken
anything from any of them. Maybe I should. I hear that they pay a
lot. I think many of us have gone through situations where we feel
this way—that it feels so good to scratch. Why is it that
dermatologists are so hesitant to have us do that? We’re going to
go over some of the most common causes of itchy rashes, and
hopefully at the end, we’ll talk about ways we can treat these
rashes without scratching.
The first cause of itching that I would mention is dry skin. I’m
going to be using a lot of photographs in this lecture. I used to
like to leave my dermatology books out on the coffee table; my wife
would subsequently take them and hide them because some of the
photos that you see can be quite bothersome, so I apologize ahead
of time. These are truly the causes of itching: The first one is
dry skin. We call it “xerosis”. Xerosis is a condition in which
your skin in seasonal variation can become very dry and very itchy.
For many of us, it’s our normal skin. We were not intended to live
in the dry desert of California. How do we treat this? The main
treatment to prevent itching from dry skin is moisturizing. Many of
us think, when we hear the word “moisturizers”, we think that
they’re all the same. That’s actually not too true. The truth is
that moisturizers, there are four main types, and they vary in
strength. ①The strength of a moisturizer is based on the vehicle.
What a vehicle is the mode of delivery of a medicine. There are
really four different types. All the moisturizers are a combination
of oil and water. The four types are different percentages of oil
versus water. The first two are “solutions” and “lotions”. ②In
these two cases, the water content is far greater than the oil
content. So if you were to try to moisturize yourself with the
product you see on the left, that’s just a fluocinonide solution,
it wouldn’t work very well. It would be like trying to moisturize
your skin with water. We all know that that doesn’t work very well.
In fact, things that have a lot of water in it tend to make us even
more dry because when the water evaporates, it tends to take some
of the moisture in our skin with it. So anytime you take a bath,
and you come out, it actually makes you more dry after it has
evaporated. Water as a vehicle would not function well as a
moisturizer. Now, as we add more oil into the water, the first step
that we reach is lotion. Most of us use lotions. Why is that? They
make us feel good after we’ve used them. ③They’re not too thick,
and they’re not too greasy, but they’re still far more water than
oil. Anyone who comes in with very dry skin that causing a
significant itch, dermatologists don’t tend to prescribe lotions
for them because the lotions actually make them worse. The
characteristic of a lotion is that it does have a little bit of oil
to it, so it feels good on the skin. When you initially put it on,
it does feel like it is moisturizing, but after a while, those
lotions will evaporate, and they can cause us to become even drier.
So solutions and lotions we tend not to use as moisturizers, even
though lotions are extremely popular. Another two types are creams
and ointments: these are where the oil content surpasses the water
content. The classic creams would be like Eucerin cream or Cetaphil
cream. Now, if you took a lotion and compared it to a cream, you’d
see that a cream is definitely thicker than a lotion. When you
apply these creams, they actually tend to moisturize far better
than the lotion, and they don’t evaporate. That can be troublesome
as well because you can see a white film on you all day long.
Nevertheless, we try to moisturize with vehicles that have more oil
than water. Creams are a great option. The picture here on the
right is an ointment. The most common ointment that we might use is
Vaseline. You can imagine when we put Vaseline on, so much so, when
you put your clothes on top of that, you can get pretty not
comfortable because you can see the oil penetrating through the
clothes. As a result, sometimes we tend not to use the ointment
simply because it’s hard on the patient’s lifestyle. Where do we
fall in the spectrum of solution versus lotion versus cream versus
ointment? ④If you were really moisturizing someone because it was
an itch that was so bad that it needed to be treated, we would tend
to use an ointment because it tends to work the best. The problem
is most people try to moisturize to try to able to go through the
day. If that’s the case, we tend to fall on using creams because
creams do work well. They are thick, but they’re not so oily as
ointments, and they tend to moisturize better, for sure better than
the lotions and solutions. The first treatment for our first cause
of itching is moisturizers.
Now, I like to educate my patients on something that I call the
“Three Minute Rule”. Everyone loves to shower. When we take a hot
shower, it’s one of the great pleasures of life. People really love
it. It makes them feel good—except after the hot shower. If you are
someone who itches because of dry skin, a hot shower makes your
itch far worse. What is the right way to take a shower? The right
way for a patient with dry skin, there are just a couple of simple
rules. The first one is that you can’t use hot water. We have to
use lukewarm water. You want it where the water is just a little
bit cold, colder than you’re used to and not hot because it
certainly does help to prevent itching to use lukewarm water. The
second rule is that you don’t want to take a long shower. Fifteen
minutes is all we permit. You take a lukewarm shower for fifteen
minutes, and when you get out, pat dry. ⑤Now, I’m stealing one of
the great joys from patients who itch because when you get out,
it’s so nice to do a vigorous dry. That’s the only time that a
diligent patient gets to scratch with their towel. Instead, we
advise you just to pat dry to get rid of the water on your skin by
patting the skin until you’re dry. Then, you have three minutes
from when you get out of the shower to apply your moisturizer. Why
is that? If you’ve ever applied Vaseline to your hand, and you take
a cup of water and you pour it on you notice that the water beads
up. The water can’t penetrate through that ointment because it’s
such an effective water barrier. You turn your hand to the side,
and that water comes off in beads because it’s such a good barrier
for water. When you get out of the shower, our stratum corneum,
which is the top layer of our skin, it functions like a sponge.
It’s filled with water. When you get out, you have three minutes
before that water evaporates. Once you pat dry, you get out, and
you apply the moisturizer, it does the same thing on the inside as
it would do on the outside. Meaning it traps the water inside your
skin, and it moisturizes wonderfully; so, lukewarm water, fifteen
minute shower, pat dry, and then your three minute rule. But
anyways, this really does work if you have dry skin.
3分钟法则,无论如何,如果你的皮肤干燥,这个方法是起作用的。 难点破解 ① The strength of a moisturizer
is based on the vehicle.
”理解为“介质”或“媒介”,即润肤膏的强度取决于介质。 ② In these two cases, the water content
is far greater than the oil content. “content
”理解为“含量”,即“水含量”和“油含量”,本句可理解为:这两种的含水量要远远高于含油量。 ③ They’re not too
thick, and they''re not too greasy, but they''re still far more water
than oil. 本句理解的重点在于短语“far more
than”的含义,它的含义是“不只”,即它们不会很稠,也不会太滑腻,但它们仍然更像水而不是油。 ④ If you were
really moisturizing someone because it was an itch that was so bad
that it needed to be treated, we would tend to use an ointment
because it tends to work the best. 本句中出现了多个复杂句,“if
”引导的条件状语从句中包含了一个由 “because”引导的原因状语从句,在原因状语从句中有一个强调句式,即“it was...
would tend to...work the best”中又出现了一个原因状语从句。 ⑤ Now, I’m stealing
one of the great joys from patients who itch because when you get
out, it’s so nice to do a vigorous dry.



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