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威廉·霍尔姆斯·麦加菲(William Holmes
Harry and Annie
Susie and Rover
竞 争
The Insolent Boy
Two Ways of Telling a Story
Hugh Idle and Mr. Toil
A Picture of Human Life
CHAPTER 7 培养良好的习惯
闹 钟
The Alarm Clock
When to Say No
A Place for Everything
Ralph Wick
误 时
Behind Time
Control Your Temper
Waste Not, Want Not
Do Not Meddle
Alice''s Supper
Far down in the valley the wheat grows deep,
And the reapers are making the cradles sweep;
And this is the song that I hear them sing,
While cheery and loud their voices ring:
"''Tis the finest wheat that ever did grow!
And it is for Alice''s supper —ho! ho!"
Far down by the river the old mill stands,
And the miller is rubbing his dusty hands;
And these are the words of the miller''s lay,
As he watches the millstones grinding away:
"''Tis the finest flour that money can buy,
And it is for Alice''s supper —hi! hi!"
Downstairs in the kitchen the fire doth glow,
And cook is a-kneading the soft, white dough;
And this is the song she is singing to-day,
As merry and busy she''s working away:
"''Tis the finest dough, whether near or afar,
And it is for Alice''s supper —ha! ha!"
To the nursery now comes mother, at last,
And what in her hand is she bringing so fast?
''Tis a plateful of something, all yellow and white,
And she sings as she comes, with her smile so bright:
"''Tis the best bread and butter I ever did see,
And it is for Alice''s supper —he! he!"
这次威利怯怯地说: “我怕!”
Afraid in the Dark
"Willie, will you run upstairs, and get my needle book from the
But Willie did not stir. "Willie!" said mamma. She thought he had
not heard.
"I''m afraid," said Willie.
"Afraid of what?"
"It''s dark up there."
"What is the dark?" asked mamma. "See! It is nothing but a
And she held her hand between the lamp and the workbasket on the
"Now it is dark in the basket; but as soon as I take my hand
away, it is light."
"Come and stand between the lamp and the wall, Willie. See! There
is your shadow on the wall. Can your shadow hurt you?"
"Oh no, mamma! I am sure it can not hurt me."
"Well, the dark is only a big shadow over everything."
"What makes the big shadow, mamma?"
"I will tell you all about that, Willie, when you are a little
older. But now, I wish you would find me a brave boy who is not
afraid of shadows, to run upstairs and get my needlebook."
"I am brave, mamma. I will go. — Here it is."
"Thank you, my brave little man. You see the dark didn''t hurt
"O pussy!" cried Herbert, in a voice of anger and dismay, as the
blockhouse he was building fell in sudden ruin. The playful cat had
rubbed against his mimic castle, and tower and wall went rattling
down upon the floor.
Herbert took up one of the blocks and threw it fiercely at pussy.
Happily, it passed over her and did no harm. His hand was reaching
for another block, when his little sister Hetty sprang toward the
cat, and caught her up.
"No, no, no!" said she, "you sha''n''t hurt pussy! She didn''t mean
to do it!"
Herbert''s passion was over quickly, and, sitting down upon the
floor, he covered his face with his hands, and began to cry.
"What a baby!" said Joe, his elder brother, who was reading on
the sofa. "Crying over spilled milk does no good. Build it up
"No, I won''t," said Herbert, and he went on crying.
"What''s all the trouble here?" exclaimed papa, as he opened the
door and came in.
"Pussy just rubbed against Herbert''s castle, and it fell down,"
answered Hetty. "But she didn''t mean to do it; she did n''t know it
would fall, did she, papa?"
"Why, no! And is that all the trouble?"
"Herbert!" his papa called, and held out his hands. "Come." The
little boy got up from the floor, and came slowly, his eyes full of
tears, and stood by his father.
"There is a better way than this, my boy," said papa. "If you had
taken that way, your heart would have been light already. I should
have heard you singing over your blocks instead of crying. Shall I
show you that way?"
Herbert nodded his head, and papa sat down on the floor by the
pile of blocks, with his little son by his side, and began to lay
the foundation for a new castle.
Soon, Herbert was as much interested in castle-building as he had
been a little while before. He began to sing over his work. All his
trouble was gone. "This is a great deal better than crying,
isn''t it?" said papa.
"Crying for what?" asked Herbert, forgetting his grief of a few
minutes before.
"Because pussy knocked your castle over."
"Oh!" A shadow flitted across his face, but was gone in a moment,
and he went on building as eagerly as ever.
"I told him not to cry over spilled milk," said Joe, looking down
from his place on the sofa.
"I wonder if you didn''t cry when your kite string broke,"
retorted Herbert.
"Losing a kite is quite another thing," answered Joe, a little
dashed. "The kite was gone forever; but your blocks were as good as
before, and you had only to build again."
"I don''t see," said papa, "that crying was of any more use in
your case then in Herbert''s. Sticks and paper are easily found, and
you had only to go to work and make another kite." Joe looked down
at his book, and went on reading. By this time the castle was
"It is ever so much nicer than the one pussy knocked down," said
Hetty. And so thought Herbert, as he looked at it proudly from all
"If pussy knocks that down, I''ll—"
"Build it up again," said papa, finishing the sentence for his
little boy.
"But, papa, pussy must not knock my castles down. I can''t have
it," spoke out Herbert, knitting his forehead.
"You must watch her, then. Little boys, as well as grown up
people, have to be often on their guard. If you go into the street,
you have to look out for the carriages, so as not to be run over,
and you have to keep out of people''s way.
"In the house, if you go about heedlessly, you will be very apt
to run against some one. I have seen a careless child dash suddenly
into a room just as a servant was leaving it with a tray of dishes
in her hands. A crash followed."
"It was I, wasn''t it?" said Hetty.
"Yes, I believe it was, and I hope it will never happen
Papa now left the room, saying, "I don''t want any more of this
crying over spilled milk, as Joe says. If your castles get knocked
down, build them up again."
How Margery Wondered
One bright morning late in March, little Margery put on her hood
and her Highland plaid shawl, and went trudging across the beach.
It was the first time she had been trusted out alone, for Margery
was a little girl; nothing about her was large, except her round
gray eyes, which had yet scarcely opened upon half a dozen springs
and summers.
There was a pale mist on the far-off sea and sky, and up around
the sun were white clouds edged with the hues of pinks and violets.
The sunshine and the mild air made Margery''s very heart feel warm,
and she let the soft wind blow aside her Highland shawl, as she
looked across the waters at the sun, and wondered! For, somehow,
the sun had never looked before as it did today — it seemed like a
great golden flower bursting out of its pearl-lined calyx — a
flower without a stem. Or was there a strong stem away behind it in
the sky, that reached down below the sea, to a root, nobody could
guess where?
Margery did not stop to puzzle herself about the answer to her
question, for now the tide, was coming in, and the waves, little at
first, but growing larger every moment, were crowding up along the
sand and pebbles, laughing, winking, and whispering, as they
tumbled over each other, like thousands of children hurrying home
from somewhere, each with its own precious little secret to
Where did the waves come from? Who was down there under the blue
wall of the horizon, with the hoarse, hollow voice, urging and
pushing them across the beach at her feet? And what secret was it
they were lisping to each other with their pleasant voices? Oh,
what was there beneath the sea, and beyond the sea, so deep, so
broad, and so dim, too, away off where the white ships, that looked
smaller than sea birds, were gliding out and in?
But while Margery stood still for a moment on a dry rock, and
wondered, there came a low, rippling warble to her ear from a cedar
tree on the cliff above her. It had been a long winter, and Margery
had forgotten that there were birds, and that birds could sing. So
she wondered again what the music was.
And when she saw the bird perched on a yellow-brown bough, she
wondered yet more. It was only a bluebird, but then it was the
first bluebird Margery had ever seen. He fluttered among the
prickly twigs, and looked as if he had grown out of them, as the
cedar berries had, which were dusty blue, the color of his coat.
But how did the music get in his throat? And after it was in his
throat, how could it untangle itself, and wind itself off so
evenly? And where had the bluebird flown from, across the snow
banks down to the shore of the blue sea?
The waves sang a welcome to him, and he sang a welcome to the
waves; they seemed to know each other well; and the ripple and the
warble sounded so much alike, the bird and the wave must have both
learned their music of the same teacher. And Margery kept on
wondering as she stepped between the song of the bluebird and the
echo of the sea, and climbed a sloping bank, just turning faintly
green in the spring sunshine.
The grass was surely beginning to grow! There were fresh, juicy
shoots running up among the withered blades of last year, as if in
hopes of bringing them back to life; and closer down she saw the
sharp points of new spears peeping from their sheaths. And
scattered here and there were small, dark green leaves folded
around buds shut up so tightly that only those who had watched them
many seasons could tell what flowers were to be let out of their
safe prisons by and by. So no one could blame Margery for not
knowing that they were only common things, nor for stooping over
the tiny buds, and wondering.
What made the grass come up so green out of the black earth? And
how did the buds know when it was time to take off their little
green hoods, and see what there was in the world around them? And
how came they to be buds at all? Did they bloom in another world
before they sprung up here? — and did they know, themselves, what
kind of flowers they should blossom into? Had flowers souls, like
little girls, that would live in another world when their forms had
faded away in this?
Margery thought she would like to sit down on the bank, and wait
beside the buds until they opened; perhaps they would tell her
their secret if the very first thing they saw was her eyes watching
them. One bud was beginning to unfold; it was streaked with yellow
in little stripes that she could imagine became wider every minute.
But she would not touch it, for it seemed almost as much alive as
herself. She only wondered, and wondered!
Margery heard her mother calling her, and she trudged home across
the shells and pebbles with a pleasant smile dimpling her cheeks;
for she felt very much at home in this large, wonderful world, and
was happy to be alive, although she neither could have told, nor
cared to know, the reason why. But when her mother unpinned the
little girl''s Highland shawl, and took off her hood, she said, "O
mother, do let me live on the doorstep! I don''t like houses to stay
in. What makes everything so pretty and so glad? Don''t you like to
Margery''s mother was a good woman. But then there was all the
housework to do, and, if she had thoughts, she did not often let
them wander outside of the kitchen door. And just now she was
baking some gingerbread, which was in danger of getting burned in
the oven. So she pinned the shawl around the child''s neck again,
and left her on the doorstep, saying to herself, as she returned to
her work, "Queer child! I wonder what kind of a woman she will
But Margery sat on the doorstep, and wondered, as the sea sounded
louder, and the sunshine grew warmer around her. It was all so
strange, and grand, and beautiful! Her heart danced with joy to the
music that went echoing through the wide world from the roots of
the sprouting grass to the great golden blossom of the sun.
And when the round, gray eyes closed that night, at the first
peep of the stars, the angels looked down and wondered over
Margery. For the wisdom of the wisest being God has made, ends in
wonder; and there is nothing on earth so wonderful as the budding
soul of a little child