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書城自編碼: 1948413
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→童書少兒英語
作者: [韩]徐美锡
國際書號(ISBN): 9787122142283
出版社: 化学工业出版社
出版日期: 2012-07-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 257/180000
書度/開本: 大32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 304



** 我創建的書架 **

Chapter 1 营造美国小学里的英语教室
01 I say this, you say that.
02 Get in line, please.
03 Who is the line leader
04 Leave the wall alone.
05 Is somebody still talking
06 Place your hands on the desk.
07 Listen up, please.
08 Keep reading.
09 You did a very good job.
10 I am going to pass out the pape.
11 Make sure they are even.
12 Start of the school day
13 May I sharpen my pencil, now
14 Morning Announcement
15 At the end of the day
16 punishment
17 Student of the Week
18 Total Physical Respoe
19 Simon Says
20 Awer the phone.
21 Let''s check out if she is right.
22 Prohibitio
Chapter 2 使用美国小学里的英语教室
23 May I go to the bathroom
24 I got a paper cut.
25 She cut in front of me.
26 I should have called you yesterday.
27 Don''t take credit for what I did.
28 Don''t put the blame on her.
29 Bear with me.
30 We are a little bit behind.
31 Excuse me.
32 That''s not funny.
33 He made fun of me.
34 I''ll ask her to take me there.
35 It''s not a big deal.
36 Why don''t we look it up in the encyclopedia
37 I''m smart but not at math.
38 I have something to share.
39 To put it on my lips.
40 Pull out the top left hand drawer.
41 You can pick a girl for the next blank.
42 How do you spell "awesome"
43 She is in trouble.
44 It is almost 100 degrees.
45 One at a time.
46 I am bored.
47 What''s going on here
48 Don''t make excuses anymore.
49 It doesn''t work.
50 Take your time!
51 He got hit in his private place.
52 I don''t feel good.
53 Didn''t you get enough sleep last night
54 I''m not myself today.
55 Do not get too excited.
56 Be patient.
57 What does it look like
58 It''s not fair.
59 Don''t tattletale on her.
60 Don''t talk back to me.
61 Birthday girl
62 Pull them up.
63 Stay Still.
64 He pokes me with his pencil.
65 Can I have some
66 Bring the book with you.
67 I cannot hear you.
68 I''ll let you know.
69 Let me figure it out.
70 Get along with each other.
71 You are an angel.
Chapter 3 享受美国小学里的英语教室
Chapter 4 美国校园风景



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