0.1 Dramatic Setting for the Emergence of Harold Pinter
0.2 Pinter the Playwright
0.3 Thesis Apology
Chapter One Discoue of Ambiguity
1.1 Absurdity or Ambiguity
1.2 Ambiguity: Pinter''s Thesis
1.3 Quicksand: Pinter''s Epistemic Metaphor
1.4 Uncertainty: The Prerequisite for Games
Chapter Two The Symbiotic Contexture
2.1 Time and Space in Pinter''s Drama
2.2 The Identity Dilemma
2.3 Paradigm of Identity: Inter-Subjectivity
Chapter Three Game Anatomy
3.1 Pozzo''s Game in Pepective
3.2 Ben vs. Gus: Prisone'' Dilemma
3.3 Davies''s Zero-Sum Game
3.4 The Last War of Ruth
Chapter Four Rhetoric of Strategies
4.1 Pinter''s Rhetoric agait Uncertainty
4.2 Ethic Encoding
4.3 Strategies for Will Accomplishment