In an age when modern reproductive technology is moving at a
rapid and alarming rate, Conscious Conception is an alternative
exploration into understanding personal fertility, as well as a
comprehensive guide to discovering newfound meaning in our
sexuality. Combining knowledge of myth and culture, authors
Jeannine Parvati Baker and Frederick Baker offer a step-by-step
manual of fertility awareness, depth psychology, and psychic birth
control and interweave the five elements—Earth, Water, Fire, Air,
and Ether—as tools for discovery in the face of reproductive
challenges. Including numerous contributions from experts in the
field, the book investigates a broad range of topics, from the
causes of infertility to the spiritualization of sexuality.
Conscious Conception urges us to see all of the possibilities in
life’s plan of continuation and to seek a clearer communion with
our own reproductive experience. Over 20,000 copies sold.
Jeannine Parvati Baker was a midwife, teacher, mother of six
children, and author of Hygieia: A Woman’s Herbal. Frederick Baker,
MA, is a teacher and writer.