The modern world is largely focused on the physical—on the
appetites and senses, on doing and having—which can blind us to the
spiritual realm. In Natural Chi Movement, Tienko Ting articulates a
theory of life that unites the physical and spiritual worlds. He
suggests there is nothing to learn or master; each of us—and every
living thing—is a product of the merging of physical and spiritual
energy, already endowed with the capacity to thrive and heal.
Activation of our chi is the component to wellness that most of us
have been missing. It is the essence of the practice of Natural Chi
Natural Chi Movement guides modern seekers in embracing their
spiritual nature and accessing the boundless potential of energy.
Doing so, says Ting, can also help address global problems from
health care to ecology. Featuring 23 illustrations, the book draws
on Chinese history, philosophy, and medicine, as well as from the
author’s own work with spiritual energy. Natural Chi Movement is an
exploration into the nature of spiritual energy and how to access
and use it for vibrant health and optimal well being. Written in a
simple, lucid style, Natural Chi Movement sheds much-needed light
on the nature of the energy that makes up all life, opening up a
world of extraordinary healing for everyone.
Tienko Ting is the originator of Natural Chi Movement, the
simple practice of allowing the body to respond naturally and
spontaneously to the flow of energy. Born in Taiwan, Ting studied
chi-enhancing techniques before discovering the ancient form of chi
activation he currently practices. This form extends back to
Bodhidharma, the renowned thirteenth-century Zen master. Since
1990, Ting has led Natural Chi Movement workshops throughout the
US, Europe, and Asia.