Crush the Cell demolishes, with simple logic, the edifice of
false “terror punditry” that has been laid, brick by brick,since
911. A veteran of special ops, international diplomacy,and
bruising clasheswith federal lawenforcement agencies,Michael
Sheehan delivers in this book a two-part message:
First,thatwe’vewasted—and are continuing towaste—billions of
dollarson thewrong protectivemeasures, and second, that knowingthe
bad guys’nextmove is paramount. Here, Sheehan showswhydefensive
fortresses don’t work, but offensive operational intelligencedoes.
He peels back themystery surrounding terrorist cells,explains just
how“terror experts”andmembers of themedia areplaying into the
terrorists’ hands…and provides perhaps the clearest picture yet of
what modern terror-fighting is all about.
Terrorism Unplugged
Part 1
Reality versus Hype
Chapter 1
Al Qaeda: Killers and Bunglers
Chapter 2
Know Your Enemies
Chapter 3
A1 Qaeda''s Ideology: Why They Kill
Chapter 4
Iran and Hezbollah: Bloody but Restrained Terrorists
Chapter 5
Lone Wolves, Cults, and Radical Movements