“I’ve got the name for our publishing operation. We just
said we were going to publish a few books on the side at random.
Let’s call it Random House.” So recounts Bennett Cerf in this
wonderfully amusing memoir of the making of a great publishing
house. An incomparable raconteur, possessed of an irrepressible wit
and an abiding love of books and authors, Cerf brilliantly evokes
the heady days of Random House’s first decades.
Part of the vanguard of young New York publishers who
revolutionized the book business in the 1920s and ’30s, Cerf helped
usher in publishing’s golden age. Cerf was a true personality,
whose other pursuits columnist, anthologist, author, lecturer,
radio host, collector of jokes and anecdotes, perennial judge of
the Miss America pageant, and panelist on What’s My Line?
helped shape his reputation as a man of boundless energy and
enthusiasm and brought unprecedented attention to his company and
to his authors. At once a rare behind-the-scenes account of book
publishing and a fascinating portrait of four decades’ worth of
legendary authors, from James Joyce and William Faulkner to Ralph
Ellison and Eudora Welty, At Random is a feast for
bibliophiles and anyone who’s ever wondered what goes on inside a
publishing house.
Bennett Cerf was born in 1898 in Manhattan and graduated from
Columbia University with a degree in journalism. In 1925 he
acquired the Modern Library with Donald Klopfer, providing the
foundation for their next publishing venture, Random House. A major
figure of American publishing for more than four decades, Bennett
Cerf died in 1971.
Christopher Cerf is an author, editor, and Emmy- and
Grammy-winning songwriter and television producer. A longtime
contributor to Sesame Street, and cofounder and creative
producer of the PBS literacy-education series Between the
Lines, Christopher Cerf is a former contributing editor of
National Lampoon and a former senior editor at Random
Birth announcement
Bennett with father, October 1, 1899
At about age four
At about age six
At about age twelve
With mother and father
With father at Pikes Peak, September 6, 1914
The freshman
At Camp Lee, Virginia
Illustration for Jester cover, December, 1917
Editor of Jester, surrounded by some members of the staff
Uncle Herbert
Richard Simon. Courtesy of Helen Barrow
Thomas R. Smith
Dorothy Parker
Theodore Dreiser
Ralph Barton''s catalogue cover
Horace Liveright at work
Samuel Hopkins Adams alias Warner Fabian
Anita Loos
Uncle Herbert and "Pop"
Announcing a new partnership: Cerf and Klopfer
Alfred A. Knopf
Cover and title page, new Modern Library catalogue
Francis Meynell. Cambridge University Library
Cover of Announcement Number One
Title page and colophon, Candide
Rockwell Kent''s invitation for a party
Eugene O''Neill
Bennett and Eugene O''Neill
Robinson Jeffers. Photograph by Edward Weston. Courtesy ofCole
James Joyce. Ruth Asch. Courtesy of The Viking Press, Inc.
On the beach at Le Touquet
Book-of-the-Month Club mailing, 1941