Join the thousands who have experienced dramatic weight loss,
lowered cholesterol, and improvement or reversal of the damages of
heart disease, adult-onset diabetes, and other major diseases by
following this medically proven program.
Protein Power will teach you how to use food as a tool for
Dramatic and permanent weight loss
Resetting your metabolism and boosting your energy levels
Lowering your "bad" cholesterol levels while elevating the
Protecting yourself from "The Deadly Diseases of Civilization"
including high blood pressure and heart disease
And best of all, Protein Power encourages you to
Eat the foods you love, including meats even steaks, bacon, and
burgers, cheeses, and eggs
Rethink the current wisdom on fat intake science has shown that
fat does not make you fat!
Stop shocking your body with breads, pastas, and other
fat-inducing carbohydrates
So prepare yourself for the most dramatic life-enhancing diet
program available!
Michael R. Eades, M.D., author of Thin So Fast, and
Mary Dan Eades, M.D., author of The Doctor''s Complete Guide to
Vitamins and Minerals, live in Little Rock, Arkansas, where
they practice bariatric weight loss and general family medicine.
They are the founders of Medi-Stat Medical Centers.
You may be wondering how a couple of physicians who specialize
in weight loss in a relatively small city in Middle America devised
a nutritional program that works as well as this one does, while
most of the scientists in the major universities are headed off in
the opposite direction, puzzling over why their success with
low-fat diet plans has been so minimal. In a nutshell, we
lucked out. We lucked out because that''s how science
works. Science progresses because people continue to question
why. Researchers propose hypotheses based on their
understanding of the natural world and then test them--and most of
the time these theories blow up in their faces. The lucky
ones stumble onto the hypotheses that turn out to be valid.
But of course there''s more than luck involved because as Louis
Pasteur said, "Chance favors the prepared mind," and in our case
our minds were prepared by many years of clinical practice with
patients suffering all the illnesses that are heir to disordered
insulin metabolism as well as by our unique combination of medical
interests. Mike is a collector of diet books and old medical
texts and has a strong interest in paleopathology and biochemistry;
Mary Dan is interested in anthropology and has published a book on
eating disorders and the deranged metabolic status of
eating-disordered patients.
We have a copy of the earliest diet book ever to sweep the
nation, Banting''s Letter on Corpulence, first printed in the middle
1800s. This restricted-carbohydrate diet worked like a charm
for Banting and, if sales were any indication, many others.
It has always intrigued us because it completely flies in the face
of today''s low-fat paradigm. At about the same time we ran
across Banting we began attending paleopathology conferences and
studying anthropology, where we learned what paleopathologists and
anthropologists have known for years: the agricultural revolution
and the increased consumption of carbohydrates it brought along
with it played havoc with the health of early man. Mary Dan''s
extensive study of eating disorders and metabolic hormonal
derangements combined with Mike''s interest in biochemistry rounded
out the "preparation" of our minds. We looked at Banting''s
success with carbohydrate restriction along with the
paeopathologicalanthropological data showing a decline in health
acompanying an increase in carbohydrate intake and concluded that
maybe the intake of large amounts of carbohydrates wasn''t
necessarily a good thing. That became our first
mini-hypothesis: excess carbohydrate consumption isn''t good.
But why not?
We knew, as does every doctor, that the immediate effect of
carbohydrate consumption is increased blood glucose, then an
increased insulin level. We thought that perhaps the
increased insulin levels might be to blame for part of the
problem. As we studied the medical literature, we found that
researchers the world over were finding elevated insulin levels
associated with obesity, heart disease, high blood presure, and
diabetes--the common diseases of modern man. We also found
that the same researchers were for the most part trying to treat
these patients by giving them more of the same thing we were
begining to believe may have caused the problem in the first place:
the high-carbohydrate, low-fat diet. It made more sense to us
that if excess insulin indeed causes these disorders, or at the
very least makes them worse, as the increasing mountain of research
indicated, perhaps patients would be better off reducing their
carbohydrate intake, not increasing it.
We took then as our working hypothesis that excess carbohydrate
leads to excess insulin, which leads to obesity, high blood
pressure, and all the rest. It fit with the anthropological
and paleopathological data and, at least as far as obesity was
concerned, with Banting''s Dietary theory. We then began to
examine this hypothesis from a basic biochemical perspective and
found that it worked beautifully. From all perspectives our
hypothesis looked good on paper, so we began to test it carefully,
first on ourselves, then on patients in our practice. We
found that the results were rapid, dramatic, and pretty much
uniform--just what we expected based on the underlying
science. As we worked with our patients, we continued to
refine our techniques, expand our range of dietary choices, and in
general collect those little tips and tricks that make the practice
of medicine an art as well as a science. We are still
learning and refining every day, and, as with any technique that
works, more and more practitioners are beginning to use a
restricted-carbohydrate diet for their patients and are adding
their own unique refinements to the rapidly growing body of
This book is arranged in basically the sequence of our own
development and refinement of our hypothesis. The first
chapters give an overview and an explanation from a historical,
anthropological, and biochemical perspective, which should give you
the information and explanations you need to become comfortable
with these seemingly radical ideas. If you don''t care about
the "why" of all this, just read "The Bottom Line," the summaries
at the end of each chapter. The latter part of the book is a
nuts-and-bolts primer on how to implement these nutritional
strategies in your own health-preserving and rejuvenation
program. On the other hand, if you''d like to read more,
please write to us in care of our publisher, and we''ll send you a
You''ll find the program in a nutshell on page 155, but please
read all of Chapter 10, all about exercise in Chapter 12, and the
essential list of vitamins at the end of Chapter 8, in addition to
the Bottom Line Summaries.
Will this program work for you? In good conscience, we can only
say probably. The reason we hedge a little is because of
biochemical individuality--we are all as different biochemically as
we are in appearance. Every doctor has encountered patients
in whom medicines seem to work in an opposite fashion to that
intended, patients who are kept awake by sleeping pills and pass
out on stimulants. These and similar experiences keep
practiced physicians from ever making blanket
this-will-work-in-all-circumstances statements. AlI we can
tell you is that in the almost ten years we have been treating
patients with this program we have never had a negative