內容簡介: |
“Food is the chief of all things, the universal medicine. .
. . Food transmutes directly into body, mind, and spirit . . .
creates our day-to-day health and happiness.”
—from The Macrobiotic Path to Total Health
Even in
medical schools, alternative medicine is blossoming. Two thirds of
them now offer courses in complementary healing practices,
including nutrition. At the heart of this revolution is
macrobiotics, a simple, elegant, and delicious way of eating whose
health benefits are being confirmed at an impressive rate by
researchers around the world.
Macrobiotics is based on the laws of yin and yang—the complementary
energies that flow throughout the universe and quicken every cell
of our bodies and every morsel of the food we eat. Michio Kushi and
Alex Jack, distinguished educators of the macrobiotic way, believe
that almost every human ailment from the common cold to cancer can
be helped, and often cured, by balancing the flow of energy the
ki inside us. The most effective way to do this is to eat
the right foods, according to our individual day-to-day needs. Now
in this marvelous guide, they give us the basics of macrobiotic
eating and living, and explain how to use this powerful source of
healing to become healthier and happier, to prevent or relieve more
than two hundred ailments, conditions, or disorders—both physical
and psychological.
This encyclopedic compendium of macrobiotic fundamentals, remedies,
menus, and recipes takes into account the newest thinking and
evolving practices within the macrobiotic community. The authors
integrate all the information into a remarkable A to Z guide to
macrobiotic healing—from AIDS, allergies, and arthritis, to cancer,
diabetes, and heart disease. They also clearly explain what we need
to know to start eating a true macrobiotic diet that will provide
us with a complete balance of energy and nutrients.
Living as we all do in environmental and climactic circumstances
that are largely outside our personal control, it is vital that we
follow a healthy lifestyle, including a flexible diet that we can
adjust to meet our own individual needs. The Macrobiotic Path to
Total Health gives us precisely the tools and the understanding
we need to achieve this goal. Use it to build a strong, active body
and a cheerful, resourceful mind.
From the Hardcover edition.
關於作者: |
Michio Kushi is a leader in the international
macrobiotic community. The author of many books, Kushi received the
Award of Excellence from the United Nations Writers Society. In
recognition of his role in launching the modern health and diet
revolution, the Smithsonian Institution opened a permanent Kushi
Family Collection on Macrobiotics and Alternative Health Care in
1999. Kushi lives in Brookline, Massachusetts.
Alex Jack is an author, teacher, and dietary counselor. He
is the author or editor of several books, including The Cancer
Prevention Diet, Imagine a World Without Monarch
Butterflies, and The Mozart Effect. President of
Amberwaves, a network devoted to preserving whole grains from the
threat of genetic engineering, he lives in western Massachusetts
with his wife and family and can be contacted at shenwa@bcn.net.
From the Hardcover edition.