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書城自編碼: 1920034
分類: 簡體書→原版英文書
作者: Keith
國際書號(ISBN): 9780307588173
出版社: Random House
出版日期: 2009-09-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 166/
書度/開本: 16开 釘裝: 精装

售價:NT$ 1050



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“Bounce is the right story for our times. If you’re a
manager in the hot seat, this book should be on your
—Dan Heath, co-author of Made to Stick
"Keith McFarland has written a brilliant and insightful work on how
leaders should face adversity. It’s a must read for leaders in
every field in these times which present daunting challenges and
require strong people at the top."
—General Anthony C. Zinni USMC Retired
"An indispensable guide for leadership and for life. McFarland
Why do many people and companies crumble in the face of
difficulty, while others use adversity to bounce back even
stronger? Here from New York Times bestselling author Keith
McFarland is a leadership fable for those wary of fables, a story
that rejects pat, heard-it-before advice and shows–in a startlingly
fresh way–how to use challenges to make both yourself and your
organization stronger.
Mike Maloney, division manager for Boston-area tech firm CRX,
returns from a business trip late one night feeling demoralized.
His unit is about to lose its biggest customer and its most
valuable employee. Mike wonders how much longer he and his staff
can keep up their relentless work schedule and meet upper
management’s new request for cost cuts. Something has to give.
Hoping to blow off steam, he heads to a gym, where he runs into
Joe, a former army Ranger.
After listening to Mike vent about the cards he’s been dealt, the
ex-soldier says, "Sounds like your company is ready to bounce."
Mike looks confused, so Joe begins tutoring him in lessons from the
battlefield. It is precisely when all seems lost, says Joe, that
the opportunity exists to rethink a situation and make real
Over the next two weeks, Joe turns Mike’s view of himself and his
company upside down. Despite his Ivy League MBA and extensive
experience running companies, Mike has a lot to learn from this
young grunt just back from Afghanistan. For example, he learns that
under pressure, people experience two kinds of anxiety–one that
hurts performance and one that helps it. Mike uses the insight to
get his troops running toward the sound of gunfire, and in the
process, learns that "bounce" can happen outside the workplace,
too. With Joe’s help, he finds his own personal bounce.
Drawing inspiration from such sources as the work of M.I.T. social
scientist Ed Schein, the film Saving Private Ryan, and his own
experiences as a CEO leading companies, McFarland cleverly weaves a
story whose practical insights can be put to use immediately. With
an invaluable wrap-up section at the book’s end that analyzes each
of the key ideas and shows how they can be applied in work and
personal life, Bounce may be the most indispensable guide to
facing challenges ever written.
KEITH McFARLAND is the acclaimed, bestselling author of The
Breakthrough Company and a leading business consultant whose
client list includes Microsoft, Motorola, Morgan Stanley, Vans,
House of Blues, and hundreds of small to midsize firms. A regular
columnist for Business Week, McFarland formerly served as
CEO of technology firms Nivo International and Collectech Systems,
and as a dean of the Pepperdine University School of Business.



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