"The Heart of Listening, a welcome book to those of us
teaching in this field that is so difficult to put into words,
embodies the uniqueness of its author, who offers a rare
combination of being a highly skilled healing practitioner and
-Don Hanlon Johnson, Ph.D., Director of Somatics Program,
California Institute of Integral Studies
"A wonder of a book. So many wisdoms and books within books. A
book for all people."
-Betty Balcombe, Visionary Healer and Author of As I See It and
The Energy Connection
"The Heart of Listening is an impeccable work that demonstrates
the healing and teaching power found in the human physical
structure. Milne provides profound psycho-spiritual insights and
makes a significant contribution to physicians, health
professionals, and individuals who seek ways to understand the
unlimited resource of healing found within the human body."
-Angeles Arrien, Ph.D., Cultural Anthropologist and Author of The
Four-Fold Way and Signs of Life
Hugh Milne is a third-generation Scottish osteopath. He spends
most of professional time teaching visionary craniosacral work in
Germany, Italy, Japan, the United States, and Switzerland. He was
born in 1948 and received his professional training at the British
College of Naturopathy and Osteopathy in London. Repeated and
startling clairvoyant revelations before and after graduation led
to a determination to learn more about working with the inner eye.
This search for higher teachings took him to India, where he lived
for seven years. Hugh spent the last fifteen years developing his
teaching work. He lives in Big Sur, California, where he is the
director of the Milne Institute.