內容簡介: |
Unit 1 The First Day 第一天
Unit 2 General Kindergarten Information 幼儿园简介
Unit 3 Daily SchedulesFull Day and Half Day 日程安排全天和半天
Unit 4 Sample Room Diagram 房间布置
Unit 5 The Ability Needed in Teaching 教学中的能力要求
Unit 6 Characteristics of Kids 孩子的特点
Unit 7 Classroom Management Activities 课堂管理活动
Unit 8 Menu of the Kids in the Kindergarten 幼儿园孩子们的菜单
Unit 9 How to Deal with the Dirty Words? 如何处理脏话?
Unit 10 How to Comfort the Hurt Kids? 如何安慰受伤的孩子?
Unit 11 Do Kids Lie? 孩子说谎吗?
Unit 12 Learning Styles of Kids 孩子的学习类型
Unit 13 Life in the Kindergarten 幼儿园生活
Unit 14 The Role of Kindergarten 幼儿园的角色
Unit 15 First Aid in the Kindergarten 幼儿园中的急救
Unit 16 The Final Day of the Term 学期的最后一天
1. Speak in clear, quiet tones. This is the very basic
2. Be calm and confident. Students won''t like a teacher who makes
a fuss over everything.
3. Be aware of the abilities and needs of each student. Kids are
more sensitive than you can imagine. They ask for attention and
they cherish help.
4. Be familiar with children'' s developmental history. Only by
knowing how a child becomes hisher present self can a teacher
really understand the behaviors and needs of the child.
5. Keep close contact with parents. Pre-school education can
hardly succeed without involving parents. You need parents to
cooperate with you to finish some school activi-ties, and moreover,
parents will look for you even if you do not look for them.
6. Use simple guidance. This is particularly important when you
instruct how to play games.
7. Be positive rather than negative. Although we have reasons to
be negative once in a while, we need to act and speak positively in
front of the students.
8. Be friendly, sympathetic, and humble. Befriend students and
you will sooner or later congratulate yourself on this