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書城自編碼: 1871268
分類: 簡體書→大陸圖書→外語英語讀物
作者: [韩]李敬姬
國際書號(ISBN): 9787561932247
出版社: 北京语言大学出版社
出版日期: 2012-03-01
版次: 1 印次: 1
頁數/字數: 206/122000
書度/開本: 大32开 釘裝: 平装

售價:NT$ 243



** 我創建的書架 **

1. The Bell and the Cat
2. The Ant and the Dove
3. The Ants and the Grasshoppers
4. The Donkey and the Grasshoppers
5. The Donkey and the Load of Salt
6. The Donkey Carrying the Statue of a God
7. The Bat, the Birds and the Beasts
8. The Boys and the Frogs
9. The Bundle of Sticks
10. The Rooster and the Jewel
11. The Country Mouse and the City Mouse
12. The Crow and His Borrowed Feather
13. The Crow and the Pitcher
14. The Crow and the Swan
15. The Deer at the Pond
16. The Dog and the Shadow
17. The Eagle and the Crow
18. The Father and His Two Daughters
19. The Fox and the Crow
20. The Fox and the Grapes
21. The Fox and the Stork
22. The Fox and the Woodcutter
23. The Frog and the Mouse
24. The Frog and the Ox
25. The Frogs Who Desired a King
26. The Goose and the Golden Egg
27. The Horse and the Donkey
28. The Hunter and the Woodcutter
29. The Lion and the Dolphin
30. The Lion and the Mouse
31. The Lion, the Bear and the Fox
32. The Milkmaid and the Pail
33. The Miller, His Son and the Donkey
34. The Miser
35. The Monkey as a King
36. The Moon and Her Mother
37. The Mosquito and the Lion
38. The North Wind and the Sun
39. The Oak and the Reeds
40. The Old Man and Death
41. The Old Woman and the Doctor
42. The Peacock and the Crane
43. The Rabbit and the Turtle
44. The Rabbits and the Frogs
45. The Shepherd Boy and the Wolf
46. The Thief and His Mother
47. The Travelers and the Bear
48. The Turtle and the Ducks
49. The Two Crabs
50. The Two Goats
51. The Two Pots
52. The Wild Boar and the Fox
53. The Wolf and His Shadow
54. The Wolf and the Crane
55. The Wolf and the Dog
56. The Wolf and the Goat
57. The Wolf and the Kid
58. The Wolf and the Lamb
59. A Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing
60. The Young Man and the Swallow



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